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Альтернативные подходы к проблеме экви­валентности в распределении доходов: сравнительный анализ

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Title Альтернативные подходы к проблеме экви­валентности в распределении доходов: сравнительный анализ
Альтернативні підходи до проблеми еквіва­лентності в розподілі доходів: порівняльний аналіз
Creator МАЛКИНА, М.Ю.
Малкіна, М.Ю.
Subject розподіл доходів
права власності
распределение доходов
права собственности
income distribution
property rights
Description Comparative analysis of the features of the Marxist, neoclassical and institutional approaches to the problem of equivalence in distributing in­come in a modern market economy has led to the following conclusions.
1.Income distribution is a separate area with its special transactions and therefore can not be fully described by the laws of the exchange, which offer us the neoclassical model.
2.The traditional Marxist approach based on the theory of labor exploitation by capital, rightly noticed the problem of non-equivalence, but at the same time has a number of drawbacks, hindering reliable estimate of the degree of exploi­tation: Marxist models are single-factor, ignore the importance of the price mechanism, do not take into account the historical transformation of some of the factors and conditions diffusion factor income.
3.The neoclassical approach is based on the identification of market equilibrium, equivalence and fairness, as well as partial consideration of all factors and their contribution, which allows repre­senting profit as a residual income. Neoclassical models are also based on the principle of achiev­ing the objective function of one factor to the con­straints defined by other factors, which veil the problem of non-equivalence in income distribu­tion.
4.The construction of alternative models with built-in equivalence refers to searching the rules of commeasuring qualitatively disparate ef­forts. Satisfactory solution to the problem of the common rent distribution is seen also in the re­formulation of the model itself. The principle of equity can be incorporated in it in the form of the need to achieve parity of objective functions of various factors with all the restrictions (including the terms of the reproduction of the business re­source).
5.The problem of the income distribution in today's society is largely institutional. The intro­duction of ethical and social institutions in the ne­oclassical models alters the supply function of fac­tors and rules for distributing the total rent.
6.Neo-institutional approach allows dis­covering the "great transformation" of property rights in the modern corporation, which resulted in the ownership rights to be subordinate to use rules. Therefore, the owner of big business will always leave the main entrepreneurial functions for themselves and transform their ownership of capital in the right to control the combined assets. To keep the organizational rents arising from their use, there are created their own institutes: of insid­er assessment of managerial work, the institute of
7.fees for special features and the institute of bonus­es.
7. Of particular interest is the assignment of income to the factors of ownership that are under- defined and are in pre-organization state as it is in the "public domain" (including the achievements of past generations). Vagueness or lack of rights to certain specific assets is due to the specificity of their operation (duration). In the modern market economy, the organizers of production fill in an institutional vacuum prevailing here with specially created institutes of public revenue appropriation (including trademark and copyright undivided).
The above conclusions are starting points for further analysis of the issue of the equivalent income distribution.
Анализируются особенности марксистского, неоклассического и институционального под­ходов к исследованию проблемы эквивалент­ности в распределении доходов в современной рыночной экономике. Показаны их преимуще­ства, недостатки и «точки соприкосновения». Выявлены направления дальнейшего анализа проблемы распределения доходов на основе базовых категорий и методологии неоинститу- ционализма.
Date 2014-05-26T09:15:57Z
Type Article
Identifier Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: економічна. Випуск 1(43) - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013.
Publisher ДонНТУ