Запис Детальніше

Регулирование финансовых рынков в Еди­ном Экономическом Пространстве ЕврАзЭс

Електронний архів E-archive DonNTU – (Electronic archive Donetsk National Technical University)

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Title Регулирование финансовых рынков в Еди­ном Экономическом Пространстве ЕврАзЭс
Регулювання фінансових ринків в Єдиному Економічному Просторі ЄврАзЕс
Creator Блохина, Т.К.
Ниязбекова, Ш.У.
Блохіна, Т.К.
Ніязбекова, Ш.У.
Subject финансовый рынок
фінансовий ринок
business activity
the company internationalization
international business activi­ty
corporate governance
Description The paper studies the regulation of financial markets in the EurAsEC, the issues of organiza­tions associated with the common interests of the countries-participants, strategies and prospects for implementing the objectives and tasks of the Sin­gle Economic Space.
According to the requirements of the Feder­al Law "On the Securities Market" the licenses issued in accordance with the laws of other states are not recognized by the professional partici­pants. Therefore, to ensure the minimum required level of markets interaction requires the recogni­tion by the Russian side of the central depository license of Kazakh and Belarusian parties. For trad­ing in securities in the stock markets space of the three countries it is necessary to ensure adequate information disclosure of the securities' owner­ship. This requires that the legislation of all coun­tries also provided for disclosure of information about the owners of the securities in a consistent manner among them. Due to the fact that the number of third countries can grow indefinitely with the securities market development and harmonization of legislation requires a long process, it is clear that the problem requires additional so­lutions. In our view, one of these paths can be agreements, concluded on a bilateral and multilat­eral basis with the States' implementation of their ratification or other procedures in order to ensure the legitimacy, depending on the country of resi­dence involved in these systems.
The greatest progress in the harmonization of legislation is currently observed in the foreign exchange regulation of the European Economic Commission, not only managed to work out and sign the order of movement of natural persons of cash and (or) monetary instruments across the cus­toms border of the Customs Union, but also to unify the laws " On currency regulation and cur­rency control ".
In November 2010, the project team No 4 was formed (hereinafter - PG4) on cooperation in
the framework of the CIS, EurAsEC and the Cus­toms Union within EurAzESv order to maximize the development of financial services in Russia and the neighboring countries, the emergence of Moscow as a full-fledged regional financial center to neighboring countries. On December 9, 2010 as part of work to create the SES there was signed a series of agreements aimed at creating conditions for the free movement of capital, for a coherent macroeconomic policy and coordinated principles of monetary policy, creating a single supranational financial regulator for EEA member countries.
Harmonizing the beginning of the legal system are the EurAsEC international treaties, which are developed on the basis of the interests of all countries and international practices of interna­tional standards. The decisions on a harmonized approach to the regulation of financial markets should provide the State party with the opportunities to address the challenges EEA mutual access of professional participants to trading, the admis­sion of securities to distribution and circulation, organization of calculations. This in turn offers the prospect of creating an integrated exchange area and exchange infrastructure. In the period from 2013 to 2015, the state "three" are committed to ensuring equal access of countries - participants of space on the market of financial, banking and in­surance services under the national regime; create equal legal conditions for investment, to remove restrictions on foreign exchange transactions.
Thus, with the right strategy of financial market regulation in the Single Economic Area, EEC should be provided with the mutual recogni­tion of licenses in the licensed activities in the stock market, the unification of the financial in­struments used in all participating countries, the calculation methods of the infrastructure organiza­tions and financial literacy. It is these practical steps to facilitate the creation of a single financial market in the EEA.
Настоящая статья посвящена вопросам регулирования финансовых рынков в ЕврАзЭс, рассматриваются вопросы организаций, связанные с общими интересами государствучастников, стратегия, направления и перспек­тивы развития направленные на реализацию целей и задач в Едином экономическом про­странстве.
Date 2014-05-26T09:18:40Z
Type Article
Identifier Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: економічна. Випуск 1(43) - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013.
Publisher ДонНТУ