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Динамическое взаимодействие институтов в системе факторов реформирования эконо­мики

Електронний архів E-archive DonNTU – (Electronic archive Donetsk National Technical University)

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Title Динамическое взаимодействие институтов в системе факторов реформирования эконо­мики
Динамічна взаємодія інститутів в системі факторів реформування економіки
Creator Решетило, В.П.
Пыж, Н.С.
Решетило, В.П.
Пиж, Н.С.
Subject институты
системный ана­лиз
институциональная система
робастность институциональных систем
ди­намический анализ
динамическое взаимодействие
системний аналіз
інституційна система
робастність інституційних систем
динамічний аналіз
ди­намічна взаємодія
systems analysis
institutional system
robust­ness of institutional systems
dynamic analysis
the evolution
the dynamic interaction
Description The paper analyses the functional purpose, structure, place and role of the institutional system in a transforming society, shows dependence of the institutional framework nature on the level of the material base development in the society and difficulties accumulated in the country's economy, identifies nonlinear interaction of the institutional system with economic, political and social sys­tems, examines the key challenges of becoming an effective institutional system in Ukraine and its role in improving the quality of economic reform. There are analyzed such system-wide properties of the institutional system, as integrity, hierarchy, emergence, flexibility, adaptability, versatility, robustness; there are defined the specific features and difficulties in carrying out a dynamic analysis of the institutional system as a stochastic system, being under the influence of a number of random factors, the development of which can not be ac­curately forecast in detail for a long term (this applies especially to informal institutions such as psychology, culture, mentality and traditions of the country.) Modern institutional systems are a new type of complexity, growing according to nonlinear laws related to the complete fusion of subject and object changes. The framework of the dilemma "subjective - objective" in the institu­tional systems is expanding: the institutional struc­ture is formed in the process of spontaneous emergence of institutions, and in the course of conscious institutional building, anchored by the legislation. A complex web of spontaneous and conscious of institutional change is determined by the fact that at the micro level the people's actions are intentional in nature (determined by considera­tions of utility), and at the macro level - they are nonlinear, i.e. depend on the results of the collec­tive interaction of many macro subjects. There­fore, when analyzing the institutional framework it is necessary to consider that, on the one hand, they are subject to the dynamics of the general principles of the formation and development of complex systems, and on the other hand, they are formed with the participation of intelligence, able to select the development options and to some ex­tent guide it. It is proved that at the industrial
stage of the society development, the institutional system acts as a subsystem to the economic sys­tem, and it feels its determining influence. By vir­tue of such a hierarchy, institutional system oper­ates not only on its own program (behavior pat­terns), but also with the response to the current one, unknown in advance change in the economic supersystem (the act of behavior). This implies that the choice of a particular type of institutional system is not completely free, it depends on the complexity accumulated in the economy of the country, and that is, fractality of economic struc­ture has a decisive influence on the structure of the institutional system. The study of coherent institu­tional systems rather than individual institutions, their relationships and interactions in economic, social and political systems of the society leads to a deeper understanding of their national identity and the presence of a certain ratio of general and special, which is the basis of identity of the nation, its understanding of itself themselves, their institu­tional strengths and weaknesses. Thus, the roots of the emerging fundamental differences between formal and real processes in the transformation economy are to be found in the institutional sys­tem of the command economy. Institutional re­forms in Ukraine today require fulfilling several conditions: the inviolability of private property rights, contract enforcement and the inevitability of punishment for violation of the law. The cur­rent stage of systemic transformations in Ukraine requires a fundamentally new state policy aimed at conscious control over the processes of institu­tional change, including internal selfsystem status and the correct choice of the resonance zones, on which the government's influence should be fo­cused. In this case, it is high time to transfer from the model of "political modernization" of the insti­tutional environment, involving the active offer of the institutes of the state, to a model of "market modernization" that is driven by demand for insti­tutions on the part of market participants. The model of market modernization of institutions suggests that institutional reforms should precede constitutionally approved procedure of studying the demand for these reforms by all actors in the national market.
Проведен анализ функционального назначе­ния, структуры, места и роли институциональ­ной системы в трансформирующемся обще­стве, показана зависимость характера институциональных систем от уровня развития материально-технической базы общества и накопленной в экономике страны сложности, выяв­лен нелинейный характер взаимодействия институциональной системы с экономической, политической и социальной системами, исследованы ключевые проблемы становления эффективной институциональной системы в Украине и ее роль в повышении качества реформирования экономики.
Date 2014-07-07T06:34:08Z
Type Article
Identifier Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: економічна. Випуск 3(45) - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013.
Publisher ДонНТУ