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Поле Співвідношення
Формування інституту корпоративної соці­альної відповідальності
Creator МАКОВОЗ, О.С.
Маковоз, О.С.
Subject корпоративная соци­альная ответственность
кор­поративное управление
стратегия корпора­тивной социальной ответственности
корпоративна соціальна від­повідальність
корпоративне управління
стратегія корпоративна соціальна відповідальності
corporate social responsibility
corporate governance
corporate so­cial responsibility strategy
Description The paper studies the theoretical and methodological aspects of creating the institute of cor­porate social responsibility as a strategic objective of the national economy's sustainable develop­ment. One of the key elements of the market economy institutionalization is the development of
the corporate sector. International experience shows that corporate structures, often trade com­panies, are the foundation of the modern economy. The corporate form of management there, first of all, in order to concentrate the scattered capital to more productive use. Further the activities of enterprises put forward minimization of production costs in conditions of imperfect competition, and the greatest possible realization of the benefits of a corporate business organization. The European Commission considers social responsibility as part of the contribution to sustainable development and a strategy for European growth and employment, as the ISF contributes to a variety of purposes, such as social cohesion, economic competitive­ness and a more sustainable use of natural resources. The need to overcome the consequences of the current financial and economic crisis has also understood the task of social responsibility Ukrainian business as a priority, due to the lack of resources in the budget for a full-fledged social policy and the objectively high role of corporate structures in developing the national economy. The present stage of the national economy devel­opment requires from the market entities comply­ing with the following principles of corporate so­cial responsibility: trust, fairness, openness and transparency. Absolutely, all organizations have to think about the good of the society and its efforts to address social problems. Enterprises should pursue a policy of constant and deliberate social activity. When deciding on the adoption of the company's liability it is important not only to identify the most significant social demands of interest groups, but also to analyze their feasibil­ity, the cost of implementation and the possible benefits of social investment. Corporations whose strategy is the long-term success on the market can not neglect the social responsibility measures. On the contrary, they are trying to build an image of socially responsible business entities. Corporate social responsibility is that companies are trying to meet the expectations of society according to products or services, and at the same time form high social standards, thus contributing to improv­ing the quality and standard of living in the coun­try.
Economic growth, social progress and a high standard of livelihood and quality of life of citizens as a strategic objective of social develop­ment are associated with the processes of a com­prehensive corporate social responsibility.
Проведено исследование подходов и про­цессов формирования институтов корпора­тивной социальной ответственности. Опре­делены принципы и стратегии формирования институтов корпоративного социальной от­ветственности, путем анализа современных тенденций развития корпоративного сектора в Украине.
Date 2014-07-16T09:06:37Z
Type Article
Identifier Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: економічна. Випуск 3(45) - Донецьк, ДонНТУ, 2013.
Publisher ДонНТУ