Запис Детальніше

Possibility of the Implementation of the Principle of Sustainable Development in the Sphere of Coal Processing

Електронний архів E-archive DonNTU – (Electronic archive Donetsk National Technical University)

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Поле Співвідношення
Title Possibility of the Implementation of the Principle of Sustainable Development in the Sphere of Coal Processing
Creator Ludmila Butuzova, Oksana Turchanina
Shwan Shakir, Gennadij Butuzov
Achim Bechtel, Antonio Castelbranco
Subject coal
organic emissions
polyaromatic hydrocarbons
Description High-sulphur coals processing generates a great number of pollutant substances in atmosphere. This study was
undertaken to obtain more definite information about the composition of sulphur coal extracts, i.e., on the quality
and quantity of dormant Volatile Organic Emissions (VOCs). Analysis of the liquid products was carried out by
different protocols of extraction, adsorption chromatography, and GC/MS identification. It should be pointed out
that the basic components of coal extracts are polyaromatic hydrocarbons, sulfur-containing compounds and
phenols act as a basic factor of environment pollution with carcinogenic products. The complex treatment of these
components will permit not only to obtain some valuable chemical products, but also to improve the ecology in the
industrial regions.
Date 2014-04-28T12:08:53Z
Type Article
Identifier http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/26179
Language en