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Unified smart-detector for electrical power smart-grid networks

Електронний архів E-archive DonNTU – (Electronic archive Donetsk National Technical University)

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Unified smart-detector for electrical power smart-grid networks
Creator Nikiforov, A.P.
Subject relay protection; automatic equipment; smart-grid; structural and information method; structural and linguistic method; technical intelligence; detecting, modelling; transitional process
Description This article proposes circuit solutions for the creation of electrical power smart-grid networks. The article offers a block diagram of a network, a system of automatic stabilization of the normal mode, and a smart-detector. Circuit
decisions work in real time and are capable of becoming unified
in branch. It is shown that it is possible to replace known devices
and terminals of relay-protection and automatic equipment using
a generalized equivalent block diagram. Replacement helps to
operate with flows of information in a set of connected
management and protection objects, of which it is possible to
reduce sites of electric networks for traditional and smart-grid
constructions. Replacement allows us to solve problems
uniformly with analysis, synthesis, optimization, improvement,
training, etc. A theorem confirming replacement is offered. A
description is provided of the structural and information method
on the basis of which the proposed solutions are given. The method
allows people to distinguish semantic situations in dynamic flows of
information. Examples of solutions to known smart-grid problems
are given with regard to scheduling, compression of information,
relay-protection and automatic equipment, self-checking. A way
is suggested to ensure stability of modelling of large projects and
the representation of the received semantic results.
Date 2017-02-21T12:23:52Z
Type Article
Identifier http://ea.donntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27981
Language en
Publisher 13th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Cambridge, UK, pp. 1032-1039, 2015, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP15INI-15, ISBN: 978-1-4799-6648-6/15,