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Електронний архів E-archive DonNTU – (Electronic archive Donetsk National Technical University)

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Спектральний аналіз радіотеплових сигналів як метод оцінки складу і властивостей об'єктів.
Spectral analysis of signals as radio thermal method of assessing the composition and properties of objects.
Creator В.П. Куценко, V.P. Kutsenko
К.Л. Шевченко, K.L. Shevchenko
А.Ф. Яненко, A.F. Yanenko
Subject измерения
radio emission
спектральный анализ
spectral analysis
состав и свойства объектов,
composition and properties of objects
энергетический спектр
the energy spectrum
Description Radiometric measurement receivers are widely used in various fields of science and technology.
With this apparatus we can evaluate the composition and physical and biological properties of objects by
measuring the energy spectrum in a certain range. However, the measurement methods and apparatus for
converting narrowband slope do not allow estimating the variance of the radio spectrum by the value of the
output voltage reliably due to instability of measurement receiver when tuning to a different frequency, the
complexity of creating the reference noise generator with a uniform spectral density over a wide range of
microwave frequencies, impossibility of calibrated attenuation of the radiation received at the input of the
antenna and the applicator, etc. From the above it follows that the parameters for the study of physical and
biological objects with different structures by measuring the intensity of the energy spectrum of their own
weak radio emission requires a new approach to solving this problem, allowing to provide greater information
capacity, sensitivity and precision equipment. A new approach is required for radiometric estimation of
the composition and properties of the physical and biological objects of different structure due to the spectral
analysis of the intensity of their own weak radio thermal radiation. The proposed solution makes it possible to determine the composition and properties of the objects of study by measuring and recording the energy
spectrum of weak radio signals, and the results of the evaluation will not be affected by additive and multiplicative
errors of radio receiver channel. The impact of measurement of intrinsic noise of the antenna and
receiver channel on the result is also excluded. The proposed solution makes it possible to determine the
composition and properties of the objects of study by measuring and recording the energy spectrum of weak
radio signals, while on the results of the evaluation will not affect additive and multiplicative errors radio
receiver channel. Excludes the impact on the result of measurement of intrinsic noise antenna and receiver
channel. The proposed solution makes it possible to determine the composition and properties of the objects
of study by measuring and recording the energy spectrum of weak radio signals, while on the results of the
evaluation will not affect additive and multiplicative errors radio receiver channel. Excludes the impact on
the result of measurement of intrinsic noise antenna and receiver channel.
Предложен новый подход для радиометрической оценки состава и свойств физических и биологических объектов различной структуры за счет спектрального анализа интенсивности их собственных слабых радиотепловых излучений. Рассмотрена функциональная схема устройства, принцип и алгоритм обработки сигналов. Показано, что при данном способе оценки на результаты контроля параметров объектов не влияют аддитивная и мультипликативная погрешности радиометрического устройства.
Date 2017-03-06T09:37:20Z
Type Other
Identifier Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Обчислювальна техніка та автоматизація. Випуск 1 (28). - Красноармійськ, ДонНТУ, 2015.
Language other
Relation Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: Обчислювальна техніка та автоматизація. Випуск 1 (28). - Красноармійськ, ДонНТУ, 2015. - C. 148-155.;
Publisher Донецький національний технічний університет