Запис Детальніше

Administrative legal relations in the field of use of military property: concept, kinds, features

Наукові журнали НАУ

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Administrative legal relations in the field of use of military property: concept, kinds, features
Административные правоотношения в сфере использования военного имущества: понятие, виды, особенности
Creator Кучинський, Юрій Дмитрович; Державний науково-дослідний інститут МВС України
Subject legal; administrative legal; military estate; subject; object; content

правоотношения; административные правоотношения; военное имущество; субъекты; объект; содержание

правовідносини; адміністративні правовідносини; військове майно; суб’єкти; об’єкт; зміст
342.951(351) (045)
Description In the article the concept and structure of administrative relations arising from the use of munitions in Ukraine; Author’s definition of such relationships; described elements of the structure of administrative relations arising from the use of munitions in Ukraine; Based on the analysis conclusions about the features of this type of relationship.English abstractIn the article of research, the concept and structure of administrative legal relations arising in the sphere of the use of military property in Ukraine; the elements of the structure of administrative legal relations arising in the sphere of the use of military property in Ukraine are characterized; Conclusions were drawn about the peculiarities of this type of legal relationship.The object of this type of administrative relationship is the conduct and actions of servicemen of the rank and file of the immediate use of military property.Legal relations for the application of administrative responsibility for violation of the regime for the use of military property arise in the event of a violation of the regime for the use of military property. Its subjects are servicemen, as well as courts in cases of administrative offenses connected with the violation of the use of military property, and the prosecutor, commanders (chiefs) of military units when drawing up protocols on administrative violations.The content of this type of administrative legal relationship is the rights and responsibilities (powers) of their participants in identifying and fixing the facts of committing administrative violations, reviewing and making decisions on the case, applying administrative penalties to servicemen and other persons guilty of committing administrative violations of the violation of the use of military property.The object of legal relations for the application of administrative responsibility for violation of the regime for the use of military property is the actions and conduct of servicemen and other entities in drafting protocols on administrative violations, reviewing cases of administrative violations in this sphere, and applying administrative sanctions to guilty persons.Thus, the conducted analysis allows us to state that a whole range of administrative and other types of legal relations arise in the sphere of the use of military property, it is necessary to distinguish clearly, since each type of legal relationship differs procedurally and meaningfully. Administrative legal relations is an obligatory component of the activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine regarding the use of military property, while others may arise, but are not mandatory (economic, international, etc.). The main criteria for delimiting administrative from other types of legal relations arising in the sphere of the use of military property are their characteristics, which are manifested most in the specificity of structural elements: the content and the object, and in some cases the subjects. However, to achieve a more precise delineation, it is advisable to apply an integrated approach.
В статье исследованы понятие и структура административных правоотношений, возникающих в сфере использования военного имущества в Украине; охарактеризованы элементы структуры административных правоотношений, возникающих в сфере использования военного имущества в Украине; сделаны выводы об особенностях данного вида правоотношений.
У статті досліджено поняття та структуру адміністративних правовідносин, що виникають у сфері використання військового майна в Україні; охарактеризовано елементи структури адміністративних правовідносин, що виникають у сфері використання військового майна в Україні; зроблено висновки про особливості даного виду правовідносин.
Publisher Національний Авиаційний Університет

Date 2017-08-21

Format application/pdf
Identifier http://jrnl.nau.edu.ua/index.php/UV/article/view/11783
Source Наукові праці Національного авіаційного університету. Серія: Юридичний вісник «Повітряне і космічне право»; Том 2, № 43 (2017); 77-81
Scientific works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law"; Том 2, № 43 (2017); 77-81
Научные труды Национального авиационного университета. Серия: Юридический вестник "Воздушное и космическое право»; Том 2, № 43 (2017); 77-81
Language uk