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Problems of terminological support for combating crime

Наукові журнали НАУ

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Problems of terminological support for combating crime
Проблемы терминологического обеспечения борьбы с преступностью
Creator Киренко, Сергій Георгійович; Київський національний лінгвістичний університет
Subject crime; period; correctness; criminal legal assessment

преступление; термин; корректность; уголовно-правовая оценка

злочин; термін; коректність; кримінально-правова оцінка
343.2 (045)
Description In the article the questions of terminology software to combat crime. The author draws attention to the presence of incorrect timing and gaps in a number of articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, complicating an adequate criminal-legal assessment of the acts committed, and offers solutions to these problems.English abstractThe Criminal Code of Ukraine there are a number of problems terminological nature concerning the incorrect definition of specific crimes, specific grounds for exemption from criminal liabilityGeneral and conflict rules of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which in turn can lead to a lack of necessary criminal and legal assessment of relevant socially dangerous acts. Part 1 of Art. 110 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine containssynonymous terms "the territory" and "state border" of Ukraine. The author proposes to leave only the first term that best meets specific features articles and provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine.In ch. 1, Art. 111 CC of Ukraine emotional, replace the term "enemy" to "side with which Ukraine is in a state of war or armed conflict," leaving only an indication to the rescue "representative of a foreign state or foreign organization" as a form of treason. It is noted that exempt from criminal liability is possible only when the actions of a person is a crime, so ch. 2, Art. 111 Criminal Code of Ukraine proposed to provide that exempt from criminal liability citizen of Ukraine if he stopped the action to perform criminal tasks representatives of a foreign state or foreign organization voluntarily reported to public authorities committed and contributed to preventing harm the interests of Ukraine, because the fact of communication with these people and get them to task, yet does not contain the offense and applicable meaningless.It is proposed to specify in the art. 112 a person who is engaged in social activities that better meet the title "attempt on the life of the state or public figure." In ch. 1, Art. 115 Criminal Code of Ukraine is required is to "murder" in the definition of the crime to avoid improper relationship with art. 119, which points to "murder through negligence."It is proposed in the article of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which contain instructions to commit the offenses of racial, national or religious intolerance replaced by committing them to "racial, national or religious grounds" because it will adequately qualified and so-called "ritual murder" and other crimes that are religious in nature, but may be devoid of religious intolerance.By every indication eliminate systematic actions that form the actusreus provided Articles 116, 120 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, as its presence precludes their application to one-act action that resulted in these articles consequences. Attention is drawn to the need to replace the term "close relatives" in Part 1 of Art. 189 for the term "close person" as claiming property, the right to property or proprietary nature of actions can be threatened not only the children, parents or other close relatives, but also, for example, fiance or friends that are not covered by this article.The author also proposes to eliminate the conflict between Part 4 of Art. 28 General of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and h. 1 tbsp. 255 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, as well as to prevent the application of the law on criminal liability by analogy that occurs in the classification of certain crimes committed by a criminal organization, in Part 1 of Art. 255 the term "crime" be replaced by "crimes" and separate provision in article of which refers to the crime by a group of individuals and organized group responsible for their commission and criminal organization.Attention is draw attention to the fact that in Part 2 of Art. 263 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine must specify the actions of the knives without excessive and incorrect detail its species (brass knuckles, knives Finnish), because the law did not provide permission for similar items.These measures, according to the author, will enhance the effectiveness of criminal law to combat crime.
В статье рассматриваются вопросы терминологического обеспечения борьбы с преступностью. Автор обращает внимание на наличие некорректных терминов и пробелов в ряде статей Уголовного кодекса Украины, которые усложняют адекватную уголовно-правовую оценку совершенных деяний, и предлагает пути решения указанных проблем
У статті розглядаються питання термінологічного забезпечення боротьби зі злочинністю. Автор звертає увагу на наявність некоректних термінів та прогалин у ряді статей Кримінального кодексу України, що ускладнюють адекватну кримінально-правову оцінку вчинених діянь, та пропонує шляхи вирішення вказаних проблем.
Publisher Національний Авиаційний Університет

Date 2017-08-21

Format application/pdf
Identifier http://jrnl.nau.edu.ua/index.php/UV/article/view/11812
Source Наукові праці Національного авіаційного університету. Серія: Юридичний вісник «Повітряне і космічне право»; Том 2, № 43 (2017); 177-181
Scientific works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law"; Том 2, № 43 (2017); 177-181
Научные труды Национального авиационного университета. Серия: Юридический вестник "Воздушное и космическое право»; Том 2, № 43 (2017); 177-181
Language uk