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Multidimensional realizations of individual motivations in historical forms of socio-cultural organization

Наукові журнали НАУ

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Title Multidimensional realizations of individual motivations in historical forms of socio-cultural organization
Многомерность воплощения индивидуальных мотиваций в исторических формах социокультурной организации
Creator Радзівілл, Олександр Анатолійович; Національний авіаційний університет
Subject Collective motivation; Social contract; Cultural type; Law of Clans; Law of Communities; Law of Nations; macrofluctuations

коллективные мотивации; общественный договор; типы культуры; право родов; право общин; право народов; макрофлуктуации

колективні мотивації; суспільний договір; типи культури; право родів; право громад; право народів; макрофлуктуації
930.85:17023.33 (045)
Description Stable organization forms of communities participant as «Nations» in diferent historical ages was assigned. Law of Nations was considered as system of regulation of diferent social-relations levels making us macrofluctuations of typical individual motivation.English abstractTo show the historically withstand forms of organization of human collectives as the incarnate of constants of psychophysically nature of human is the aim of this article. The historical typiforms of social organization were incarnated in the concrete public order by means of legalization of naturally-legal motivations of individuals belong to different age, ethnic, corporate or another social groups.The collective subjects of historical process are generalized by an author in six ideal forms. Three of them incarnate the microscale of social organization, ie elementary collectives: gens (clans), territorial communities, corporations. Three of them are the most associations typical for the appointed historical epoch, iemacroscale of social organization: there are «gens-tribe societies»; «societies of regional civilizationbuilders» and «civil societies».Three elementary forms differ in inter se both time of appearance and combination in them genetic and corporate systemmaking factors. Genetic factors operate transhistorically as well as corporate factors are more historically late, and basic sense of post-neolithic history of mankind consisted in opening and embodiment of more new, large and complex forms of social and cultural integration.Primitive clan was the only form of compact residence of mankind and settlement him on the surface of planet during thefirsthalfof itshistory. It was also the only subject of international relations in their widest understanding. Human’s socially-legal ideasverbalizing and reflectingrepeatedlyin the process of interfamily relations during a few ten thousands of years formeda"primitivefamilyright". Basic historical heritage of "primitivefamilyright" is steady harmony of natural man and women rights consolidated on the deep levels of human consciousness and on their basis also general harmony of all other aspects of social organization.During the second halfof itshistorymankindbeganto form more and more compositekind of commonwealth. Appear of the early specialized collectives became the beginning of this process. Absolutepowerofmanfastened for the first time in history in early shepherd clans. A Matriarchy reigns in just time in early agricultural communes. The professionalcorporationsandmorecomposite social educations were formed on the base of the early stationary communes.Both the agricultural communes and corporations were organized by anotherprinciple than primitive clan. Corporate factorsare determinative for them though the genetic factorsare also remaining. Specifically,on the neighborlinessbased solidarity of agricultural communes, as well as base of corporative solidarity were sacral normsandprinciplesoftransmissionofprofessionalknowledgeandskills.Largemacroscales societies as «units of historical research» were distinguished by A.Toynbee. Developing his ideas it is possible to admit successive appearance to history of three their kinds: «primitive (gens-tribe) societies» that exist a few ten thousands of years; «societies of regional civilizationbuilders»thatappeared near six or seven thousands years ago and «civil societies» that is formed during four last  centuries.The appearof«civilsociety»isrelatedtosuchphenomenasofnewtimeasparliamentarianism,constitutionalism,universalelectiveright,state-nation,protectionofhumanrights,internationalpubliclaw.
Выделены устойчивые формы организации сообществ, действующих в различные исторические эпохи как «народы». «Право народов» рассмотрено как система регулирования разных уровней социальных отношений, возникших как макрофлуктуации типичных индивидуальных мотиваций.
Виділено усталені форми організації суспільств, що діяли як «народи» в різні історичні епохи. «Право народів» розглянуто як систему регулювання суспільних відносин різного рівня, утворених як макрофлуктуації типових індивідуальних мотивацій.
Publisher Національний Авиаційний Університет

Date 2017-08-21

Format application/pdf
Identifier http://jrnl.nau.edu.ua/index.php/UV/article/view/11779
Source Наукові праці Національного авіаційного університету. Серія: Юридичний вісник «Повітряне і космічне право»; Том 2, № 43 (2017); 52-58
Scientific works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law"; Том 2, № 43 (2017); 52-58
Научные труды Национального авиационного университета. Серия: Юридический вестник "Воздушное и космическое право»; Том 2, № 43 (2017); 52-58
Language uk