Запис Детальніше

Екранізація повісті М. Гоголя «Вій» на Чернігівщині (до 50-ї річниці виходу кінострічки на екрани)

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Екранізація повісті М. Гоголя «Вій» на Чернігівщині (до 50-ї річниці виходу кінострічки на екрани)
Creator Литовченко, О.
Subject До 50-річчя Національного заповідника «Чернігів стародавній»
Description У статті йдеться про зйомки кінофільму «Вій» на Чернігівщині в 1966 р. Простежено особливості знімального процесу та визначено роль архітектурних пам’яток Чернігова у створенні кінокартини.
В статье речь идет о съемках кинофильма «Вий» на Черниговщине в 1966 г.
Прослежены особенности съемочного процесса и определена роль архитектурных
памятников Чернигова в создании кинокартины.
The film «Vii» which had been shot by the studio «Mosfilm» on the base of the Hohol’s
story was released in 1967. The article tells about the shooting of this film on Chernihiv lands
from the middle of July till the end of August 1966.
The peculiarities of the filming process have been learnt and the role of Chernihiv
architectural sights in the creating of this film have been found out.
It is stressed that Chernihiv had been chosen for filming because the monastery and the
churches have been preserved very well here and the very places did perfectly well for creating
the scenes described by M. Hohol.
The territory of Chernihiv Yeletskiy Monastery was used in filming. Taking to the
consideration the state of the anty-religious policy which the Soviet government conducted
during the period of shooting this film the monastery didn’t work.
There were some establishments on its territory in a jammed state that’s why before the
beginning of the filming the monastery yard and some buildings were being rebuilt.
Among all the monastery buildings Dominion Cathedral of the XII century with the
Lyzohubs’ detacher burial vault of the XVIII century, the belfry of the XVII century and
other buildings were used for the filming of some scenes.
Among the local castles in this film you can also notice St Catherine’s Church of the XVIII
century. Just in these places the seminarians and the rector who was seeing off his students
for the holidays were filmed.
Except Chernihiv the creation of some parts of the film took place in some other places of
Chernihiv region. After shooting this film on Chernihiv lands the crew worked in the western
Ukraine, in the late 1966 – and in the first part of 1967 – at the film studio of «Mosfilm».
At the end of the article the author came to the conclusion that «Vii» is one of the films
which allows following the state of Chernihiv sightseeing’s at the particular historical time.
The events connected with the shooting of this film and the story itself are an integral part
of the past of our region that makes it various and differs from many other places.
Date 2017-10-16T16:38:08Z
Type Article
Identifier Екранізація повісті М. Гоголя «Вій» на Чернігівщині (до 50-ї річниці виходу кінострічки на екрани) / О. Литовченко // Сiверянський лiтопис. — 2017. — № 4. — С. 146-153. — Бібліогр.: 29 назв. — укр.
791. 44 (477. 51) «19»
Language uk
Relation Сiверянський лiтопис
Publisher Інститут української археографії та джерелознавства ім. М.С. Грушевського НАН України