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Новий злет святого Августина в епоху Ренесансу

Институционный репозиторий Киевского университета имени Бориса Гринченко

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Relation http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/20401/
Title Новий злет святого Августина в епоху Ренесансу
New rise of St. Augustine during the Renaissance
Creator Шепетяк, Олег Михайлович
Subject Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Description Oleh Shepetyak. New rise of St. Augustine during the Renaissance

The research is devoted to finding the answer to the question: what exactly and in what forms was revived at this time? Thanks to the research of Alexander Coare in the philosophy of science rooted quite correct belief that at that time was born a new methodology of science, which was based on the philosophy of Plato. We will try to pay attention to whether it is possible to apply the principles of Coare to the sphere of religious thought. During this research we will refer to the works of the founders of Protestantism, Luther and Calvin and some analysts. Revenge of Plato, which became the main characteristic feature of the Renaissance was expressed not only in the development of science. His greatest influence is noticeable in the religious transformation which had led to a fundamental change in the history of mankind. When Coare and his associates proclaimed the revenge of Plato like the key feature of the Renaissance, were well aware that the Plato of the Renaissance is not identical to Plato of Antiquity, like Aristotle of the Middle Ages is not the same as the Aristotle of Antiquity. As in the Middle Ages we can distinguish the "few Aristotle", it is also possible to allocate "few Plato": St. Augustine, Galileo and others. The dependence of St. Augustine of Hippo from Platonism today is perceived as an indisputable fact. We have no reason to doubt this belief. St. Augustine was a Christian, as St. Thomas. However, they both used their elected philosophical systems for the inculturation of the Gospel. According to Augustine, the best way to preach about Christianity is Platonism. St. Augustine lived at the turn of IV-V centuries, and formed a theoretical theological expression of Western Christianity. His influence was enormous on theology and philosophy of the early Middle Ages. However, the gradual spread of Aristotelian deprived Augustinianism dominant position, though not eradicated it completely: St. Augustine always remained the undisputed authority in Western Christianity. The new upsurge of Augustinianism took place during the reformation and Counter-reformation.
Дослідження присвячене пошуку відповіді на питання: що саме і в яких формах відродилося в епоху Ренесансу? У філософії науки, завдяки роботам Олександра Коаре вкоренилося абсолютно правильне переконання, що в той час зароджувалася нова методологія науки, в основу якої була покладена філософія Платона. У статті проведена спроба звернути увагу на те, чи можливо застосувати принципи Коаре до сфери релігійної думки.
Publisher Редакційно-видавничий відділ ДДПУ імені Івана Франка
Date 2017-10
Type Стаття
Format text
Language uk
Identifier http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/20401/1/O_Shepetyak_PGN_2017_IFFF.pdf
Шепетяк, Олег Михайлович (2017) Новий злет святого Августина в епоху Ренесансу Проблеми гуманітарних наук: збірник наукових праць Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка. Серія Філософія (37). с. 47-59.