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Український молодіжний рух в європейській системі міжнародних відносин в 1920–1939 рр

Институционный репозиторий Киевского университета имени Бориса Гринченко

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Relation http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/21012/
Title Український молодіжний рух в європейській системі міжнародних відносин в 1920–1939 рр
Украинский молодежный движение в европейской системе международных отношений в 1920-1939 гг
Ukrainian youth movement in the context of the european system of international relations in 1920–1939s
Creator Гуменюк, Олена Анатоліївна
Subject Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Description У статті розглянуто український молодіжний рух у контексті міжнародних відносин у Європі
в 1920–1939 рр. На базі широкого кола джерел автор всебічно досліджує українські молодіжні
організації в еміграції та визначає ступінь їх включення до міжнародних процесів у Європі.
Ґрунтовно проаналізовано історіографію проблеми й визначено стан її розробки в науковій
літературі. Також наголошується на особливому значенні молоді в репрезентації української
нації у світовому співтоваристві.
В статье рассмотрены украинский молодежное движение в контексте международных отношений в Европе
в 1920-1939 гг. На базе широкого круга источников автор всесторонне исследует украинские молодежные
организации в эмиграции и определяет степень их включения в международных процессов в Европе.
Основательно проанализированы историографию проблемы и определено состояние ее разработки в научной
литературе. Также отмечается особое значение молодежи в репрезентации украинского
нации в мировом сообществе.
The problem of Ukrainian youth emigration in the European system of international relations in 1920–1930s
is actual for investigation in modern history. During the interwar period such countries as Czechoslovak
Republic, Poland, Germany, Austria were the most important centers for the Ukrainians. Above 100 thousands
of Ukrainian emigrants were concentrated in Europe. Young people represented considerable part of them.
Youth movement of the Ukrainian emigration consisted of three constituents: students, scouts and so
called “falcons” or ”sokols”. So, the fi rst and the largest group of young Ukrainian emigrants were represented
by students. They were considerable part of Ukrainian emigration. Their amount, for example, in Czechoslovak
Republic during the interwar period was approximately 5000–7000. In Europe students’ emigration had
peculiarities, mostly social and legal, which depended on the governmental policy to emigrants in diff erent
European countries. Ukrainian students in Czechoslovak Republic infl uenced greatly the all Ukrainian emigration
in Europe. They were basis not only for scientifi c and cultural work, but also created new Ukrainian political
system abroad. During the interwar period Ukrainian students founded more than 100 academic, educational,
professional, cultural, sport, political organizations in Europe. The Central Union of Ukrainian Students
Organizations was established in Prague in 1922 and acted during the next twenty years.
Ukrainian scouts or Plast was the second branch of Ukrainian youth movement. The net of Ukrainian scouts
was very powerful and spread in all European regions. At the beginning of 1930s in Czechoslovakia it was
founded the Union of Ukrainian Plast-Emigrants which coordinated activity of other Ukrainian scout organizations
in Europe. The Plast closely cooperated with the Czech scout movement. Ukrainian scouts took part
in international scout competitions and congresses, presenting Ukrainian nation among foreign community.
Physical training was considered by the majority of Ukrainian young emigrants to be not only a kind
of sport activity, but also the way of patriotic upbringing. Going in for sports, young people cultivated fi rst of all
national spirit in healthy bodies. Because, after graduating the universities, emigrants had to become not only
true professionals, but also healthy patriots, ready to struggle for the Ukrainian independence. In that case,
the third branch of Ukrainian youth movement is presented by sport organizations. Sport was very popular
among all the groups of emigrants. Taking part in diff erent sport competitions, the Ukrainians got opportunity
to present their achievements at the international level. The most powerful Ukrainian sport movement
could be researched through the activity of so called “falcons” or “sokols”. In Czechoslovak Republic it was even
founded the Union of Ukrainian Sokol’s Abroad. Numerous members of that Union took part in international
sport competitions, closely cooperated with the Czech “falcons”.
Ukrainian emigrants conducted cultural and educational work in their organizations. Important aims
of these organizations were: preservation of “national memory” (traditions, culture, history), popularization
information about Ukraine among the foreign community, cooperation in the international sphere.
In European countries, Ukrainian young people were under the infl uence of all social, cultural and political
changes and movements of Europe. Ukrainian emigrants were involved in all these movements, but also contributed
to the transformation processes in the interwar Europe. In that case, in high importance is to retrace all
movements and process in Czechoslovakia, which infl uenced Ukrainian youth movement in Europe.
Publisher Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка
Date 2016
Type Стаття
Format text
Language uk
Identifier http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/21012/1/Humeniuk_2_Khs_2016_1_5.pdf
Гуменюк, Олена Анатоліївна (2016) Український молодіжний рух в європейській системі міжнародних відносин в 1920–1939 рр Київські історичні студії (1). с. 19-26. ISSN 2524-2749