Запис Детальніше

Formation and development of the system of public affairs institutes: governmental administrative aspect

Цифровий архів НаУОА

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Relation http://eprints.oa.edu.ua/6342/
Title Formation and development of the system of public affairs institutes:
governmental administrative aspect
Creator Rudenko, O.
Kuts, Y.
Subject Science of law
Description The article states that formation and development of the public affairs institutes from the position of the state administration have to be dealt with as a polisystematic and polistructural result of intergration of many spheres of society viability maintenance with the following functionally related specific complexes: logistical, economic, social, domestic and cultural. The author proves that they are organizationally combined from the political and ideological position to create a certain sphere – the sphere of housing and municipal services that constitutes the system of structures contributing to the functioning of housing and utilities sector. It is defined that modernization of the housing and utilities sector provides for the complex of political, economic, research, educational, institutional and management, as well as technically preventative measures aimed at realization of citizens’ rights to civilized housing and utility conditions as the determining factor of reproduction of a human and society.
Date 2017
Type Article
Format application/pdf
Language uk
Identifier http://eprints.oa.edu.ua/6342/1/65.pdf
Rudenko, O. and Kuts, Y. (2017) Formation and development of the system of public affairs institutes: governmental administrative aspect. Public Management and Administration. pp. 182-185.