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Науковий журнал «Радіоелектроніка, інформатика, управління»

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##plugins.schemas.marc.fields.042.name## dc
##plugins.schemas.marc.fields.720.name## Imamverdiyev, Y. N.; Institute of Information Technology of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku
Sukhostat, L. V.; Institute of Information Technology of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku
##plugins.schemas.marc.fields.653.name## Network attacks; feature informativeness; random forest; Firefly algorithm; NSL-KDD.
##plugins.schemas.marc.fields.520.name## <p>Context. The urgent task for feature informativeness evaluation of a large amount of data has been solved. The object of the study was a network traffic.</p><p>Objective is to analyze the data informativeness for network traffic anomalies detection in order to reduce the feature space.</p><p>Method. The approach for feature informativeness evaluation of a large amount of data is proposed to increase the accuracy of the anomaly detection in network traffic. It also substantially increases the computation speed of the classification algorithms. The characteristics of a random forest and Firefly algorithms are considered. In the paper, an algorithm for feature selection based on the integration of these algorithms is proposed. Features are sorted in descending order according to their importance, the least informative ones are not considered. The decision trees, naive Bayes, Bayesian classifier, additive logistic regression and k-nearest neighbors method are considered as classifiers. The quality of the classification results is estimated using six evaluation metrics: true positive rate, false positive rate, precision, recall, Fmeasure and AUC.</p><p>Results. The experiments have been performed in the Matlab environment (2016a) on the NSL-KDD data set, using the proposed algorithm. The best classification results for the selected features have been obtained using k-nearest neighbors method.</p>Conclusions. The conducted experiments have confirmed the efficiency of the proposed approach and allow recommending it for practical use in feature informativeness evaluation in order to reduce the feature space and increase the computation speed of the classification algorithms. In addition, in order to further study the effectiveness of anomaly detection in network traffic, a real data set will be used.
##plugins.schemas.marc.fields.260.name## Zaporizhzhya National Technical University
2017-11-30 09:44:40
##plugins.schemas.marc.fields.856.name## application/pdf
##plugins.schemas.marc.fields.786.name## Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control; No 3 (2017): Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control
##plugins.schemas.marc.fields.546.name## ru
##plugins.schemas.marc.fields.540.name## Copyright (c) 2017 Y. N. Imamverdiyev, L. V. Sukhostat