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Науковий журнал «Радіоелектроніка, інформатика, управління»

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##plugins.schemas.marc.fields.042.name## dc
##plugins.schemas.marc.fields.720.name## Nahorny, V. V.; Sumy State University
##plugins.schemas.marc.fields.653.name## Automation; adaptive control; an individual resource; software; machining; processing system; prediction of individual life; identification; trend information signal; a mathematical model; the period of defect-free processing; the state of supervised equipment.
##plugins.schemas.marc.fields.520.name## <p>Context. The article presents the results of research to develop a new methodology for the prediction of individual life of the cutting tool, which served as the basis for the automated operation of the control system of the metal cutting equipment. Predictions of individual life of the cutting tool is topical, but have not solved the problem so far, and this determines the relevance of the material contained in the article.</p><p>Objective. The goal of the work was to develop a methodology for forecasting the individual life of the cutting tool and implementing it in practice by cutting the control algorithm and software, which formed the basis of the automated system of adaptive control operation of metal-processing systems.</p><p>Method. The method provides for control of these systems in a single combination of process control solutions and identification tasks. Identification information signal subjected to the trend model generated during operation of the processing system, which is used as a model, describing the dynamics of the supervised equipment. As a result of the prediction of individual life of the cutting tool and compare it with the desired duration of mechanical treatment, a decision on the variation of the values of the control parameters (feed and spindle speed) to ensure the implementation of the newly appointed regimes required period of faultless operation of the tool.</p><p>Results. Developed software product that formed the basis of the automated system of adaptive control operation of metal-processing systems. The algorithm of the control systems reflects the proposed methodology for the prediction of individual life of the cutting tool.</p>Conclusions. The experiments confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed methodology for the prediction of the cutting tool life and performance of hardware and software that implements this methodology in practice cutting. Scientific novelty research is that for the first time in the practice of engineering develops a completely new control methodology for forecasting the individual life of the cutting tool, that allows you to specifically control the duration of the technological process, focusing on the actual technical condition of the main elements of the technological system. The practical significance of the results is to create a hardware and software system that automates the process of adaptive management of cutting conditions and containing the software algorithm that reflects the new methodology for predicting an individual resource tool. Prospects for further research consists in the creation of a universal system of control of any process equipment, the operation of which is accompanied by the generation of different physical nature of the information signals, objectively reflecting the degree of criticality of the technical condition of the equipment under supervision. The introduction of such a monitoring methodology not only in the manufacturing process, but also in terms of exploitation of different machines determines the value of the research and their significant contribution to the science of control.
##plugins.schemas.marc.fields.260.name## Zaporizhzhya National Technical University
2017-11-30 09:44:40
##plugins.schemas.marc.fields.856.name## application/pdf
##plugins.schemas.marc.fields.786.name## Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control; No 3 (2017): Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control
##plugins.schemas.marc.fields.546.name## ru
##plugins.schemas.marc.fields.540.name## Copyright (c) 2017 V. V. Nahorny