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Educator’s e-Portfolio in the Modern University

Институционный репозиторий Киевского университета имени Бориса Гринченко

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Relation http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/16051/
Title Educator’s e-Portfolio in the Modern University
Creator Morze, Nataliia
Varchenko-Trotsenko, Liliia
Варченко-Троценко, Лілія Олександрівна
Морзе, Наталія Вікторівна
Subject Scopus
Збірники наукових праць
Description The most effective higher education quality indicators are openness
and transparency of all the University activities results, including the results of
educational and scientific work of every teacher and student.
That is why modern electronic university learning environment should provide
open decentralizing component that would contain a webpage with every educational
process participants’ qualitative and quantitative indicators of educational
activity – an e-portfolio. The motivation to filling a portfolio by every
teacher can be university ranking which takes into account in certain proportion
all teachers’ activities and has moral and material consequences. Indicators of a
portfolio should include those of a priority for university development at a certain
time and be taken into account on different ratings, including international
and Ukrainian. There are different ways of creating and filling an e-portfolio.
One of them is the Wiki-technology use that ensures openness and transparency
of the performance of the teacher, each structural unit and the university as a
whole, used at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. E-portfolio on the university
Wiki-portal should be considered a generalization of the electronic educational
environment various components of the university, in particular, LMS, Moodle,
creation and usage statistics of faculty e-learning courses, system of student
survey about the quality of every teacher and discipline, filling institutional repository
with research and methodological publications, relevant catalogues on
teachers’ training competition winners, participation in international scientific
research projects and more.
Publisher ceur-ws.org/
Date 2016-06
Type Стаття
Format text
Language uk
Identifier http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/16051/1/Morze_Varchenko_ICTERI.pdf
Morze, Nataliia та Varchenko-Trotsenko, Liliia та Варченко-Троценко, Лілія Олександрівна та Морзе, Наталія Вікторівна (2016) Educator’s e-Portfolio in the Modern University ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications: Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer (1614). с. 231-240. ISSN 1613-0073