Запис Детальніше

Культура етноменшин у загальній ідеології державотворення в незалежній Україні (1991—2012 рр.)

Dspace iRKNEU

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Культура етноменшин у загальній ідеології державотворення в незалежній Україні (1991—2012 рр.)
Culture of ethnic minorities in general ideolopgy of state building in independent Ukraine (1991-2012)
Creator Пекарчук, Володимир М.
Pekarchuk, Volodymyr M.
Subject культура
Конституція України
ethnic group
Constitution of Ukraine
Конституция Украины
338.43.02 (477) «199/ 201»
Description Проведено наукову реконструкцію процесу підготовки вітчизняного законодавства, яке регламентувало реалізацію етносами України прав на культуру, громадського виміру національного відродження. Виявлено як здобутки, так і прорахунки у цій справі, а також з’ясовано міру відповідності норм законів в Україні аналогічним міжнародним документам.
It is conducted the scientific reconstruction of process of preparing of domestic legislation, which regulated realization of rights on culture, civil dimension of national rebirth by Ukraine’s ethnics. It is revealed both achievements and errors in this case and also found
out the measure of concordance of norms of laws to the similar international documents.
On the basis of general analysis of historical facts, analytical materials, scientific arguments it is done an attempt to reveal the peculiarities of requirements of culture of Ukraine‟s ethnics. After declaration of independence the ethno minorities of Ukraine entered into a new stage of their life with different level of self-organization and ethnical consciousness, and with sense of duty before Ukrainian state.
It is arisen the new conditions for satisfaction of cultural requirements of Ukraine‟s ethnics. The speed of integration of ethno minorities generally depended on the historical tradition which ethnics continued to follow. Those who compactly lived on the borders of Ukraine felt themselves as owners of situation and did not think about integration. Besides that in every neighbor country there were definite political forces which were not interested in integration of ethnics into ethno-political space of Ukraine. Integration processes in Ukraine progressed with definite difficulties as they required mutual adaptation of communities. The process of preservation of own originality and overcoming of culture of title ethnos was seen differently by ethnics. Some of them aimed to ethno cultural isolation, others showed decision to integration transformations.
The reasons which defined the level of satisfaction of requirements of culture of Ukraine‟s ethnics were different and at the same time complex; they laid down in differences of historical way of development of ethnics, specificity of mentality, different levels of urbanization, etc. It is conducted the scientific reconstruction of process of preparing of domestic legislation, which regulated realization of rights on culture, civil dimension of national rebirth by Ukraine‟s ethnics. It is revealed both achievements and errors in this case and also found out the measure of concordance of norms of laws to the similar international documents.
The legislation and legal foundation of Ukraine of this period, which regulated development of cultural environment of ethnical minorities was being worked sequentially. It had specificity because acquired acts, declarations, laws, regulations,decrees, decisions had character of documents, which regulated cultural rights of ethnics, activity of national and cultural communities with their defense, building of the system of ethnical institutions of culture and their involvement to the state institutions, etc. only indirectly. The usage of modern methodological instrumentation permitted to clear up a lot of aspects which concerned with place of culture of ethnic minorities in general ideology of state building and social and political transformation of independent state.
Осуществлена научная реконструкция процесса подготовки отечественного законодательства, которое регламентировало реализацию этносами Украины прав на культуру, общественного измерения национального возрождения. Выявлены как достижения, так и просчеты в этом деле, а также объяснена степень соответствия норм законов в Украине аналогичным международным документам.
Publisher ДВНЗ «Київський національний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»
Date 2014-07-11T09:13:30Z
Type Article
Identifier Пекарчук В. М. Культура етноменшин у загальній ідеології державотворення в незалежній Україні (1991—2012 рр.) / В. М. Пекарчук // Історико-політичні студії : зб. наук. пр. / М-во освіти і науки України, ДВНЗ "Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. Вадима Гетьмана", Ін-т історії укр. суспільства ; ред.кол.: І. Д. Дудко (голова) [та ін]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2013. – № 1. – С. 130–136.
Language uk