Запис Детальніше

Радянська сім’я як форма подолання традиційної родини

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Title Радянська сім’я як форма подолання традиційної родини
Soviet Family as a Form of Overcoming Traditional Family
Советская семья как форма преодоления традиционной семьи
Creator Білоножко, Євгеній Павлович
Bilonozhko, Yevgeniy
Билоножко, Евгений Павлович
Subject private
советская власть
социальна история
Description This article deals with the efforts of soviet authorities to create a new model of the family. Family is a basis of life; it influences greatly the point of view of a person and his/her behavior. Totalitarianism was the main political course in the XXth century, it means that the authorities tried to control all spheres of life, the family had to be controlled, too. The soviet family politics was quite contradictory. In 1917-1933 the authorities tried to destroy the bourgeois patriarchal family model, in 1933-1956 they tried to create a new soviet type of a family, in 1969-1991 the new type of family appeared, called «patriarchal soviet family». The article highlights the new laws created by soviet authorities for the sake of making a new family type. It was legalized to get married or get divorced on the spot. Before, it had been necessary to go to the church when people got married, and since this law it became useless. These laws resulted in many divorces. The main goal of soviet authorities was to bring up a soviet person. Children were the best «material» for creating something new. That is why they said that bringing up children is not the parents’ obligation, but the country’s one. This is how the myth about Pavlik Morozov, the boy who stood against his parents, was created. This article contains a lot of interesting facts about the soviet politics. The author recommends it to everyone who is interested in the history of his/her nation.
В статье рассмотрены методы создания новой матримониальной реальности в Советском Союзе с 1917 по 1933. В тексте анализируются
законотворческие и социально-философские изменения, обусловившие формирование советской семьи и распад традиционной семьи.
Publisher ДВНЗ «Київський національний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»
Date 2015-12-23T13:01:55Z
Type Article
Identifier Білоножко Є. Радянська сім’я як форма подолання традиційної родини / Є. Білоножко // Університетська кафедра. Культурологія. Аксіологія. Філософія. Етнологія. Дискусії. Рецензії. Анотації : альм. / М-во освіти і науки України ; ДВНЗ "Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. Вадима Гетьмана" ; Ін-т приклад. та проф. етики ; [голов. ред. Ю. Вільчинський]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2015. – № 4. – С. 25–36.
Language uk