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The Phenomenon of Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Its Formation and Development Challenges

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Title The Phenomenon of Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Its Formation and Development Challenges
Creator Aladashvili, G. T.
Subject Entrepreneurial ecosystem
Description Creation and development of entrepreneurial ecosystem is an actual issue today in developed and developing countries as well. Due to the technological breakthrough and global information space, ability of information transfer triggers competition in business.Generating, researching and supporting evolvement of new ideas and becoming final product and maintaining position on the market is getting more and more difficult. In a such condition, it is crucially important to form and develop entrepreneurial environment, which consists of numerous components. It does not differ from business environment, but it emphases general parts that are related to create the supportive environment from generating a business idea to a final product. The work analyses aspects of ecosystem functioning.
Publisher ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»
Date 2018-04-11T11:39:54Z
Type Article
Identifier Aladashvili G. T. The Phenomenon of Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Its Formation and Development Challenges / Aladashvili G. T. // Стратегічні імперативи сучасного менеджменту : зб. матеріалів ІV Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (19–20 квіт. 2018 р.) / М-во освіти і науки України, ДВНЗ «Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. Вадима Гетьмана» ; редкол.: С. М. Соболь (відп. за вип.) [та ін.]. – Київ : КНЕУ, 2018. – С. 10–16.
Language en