Запис Детальніше

Legal regulation of currency risks on airtransport at interstate and national levels

Dspace iRKNEU

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Legal regulation of currency risks on airtransport at interstate and national levels
Creator Sheremeteva, Olga
Шереметьєва, Ольга Юріївна
Шереметьева, Ольга Юрьевна
Subject 347.724
Description In the article the author considers and analyses the legal regulation of currency risks on air transport at the interstate and national level, the problems of interaction between the international and national legal regulation of currency risks on air transport raises a question of the necessity of the reviewing of some clauses of the international air conventions concerning currency instruments, which are applied at conducting of settlements.
Publisher Національний авіаційний університет
Date 2018-04-13T08:08:36Z
Type Article
Identifier Sheremeteva O. Legal regulation of currency risks on airtransport at interstate and national levels / O. Sheremeteva // Aviation in the ХХІ-st Century: The legal regulation of the world space market and national security issues of Ukraine : materials of the fourth world congress, September 21–23, 2010 : in 2 vol. / International civil aviation organization, Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, National academy of sciences of Ukraine, National aviation university. – Kyiv, 2010. – Vol. 2. – С. 81.58–81.61.
Language en