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Solving Extremum Problems with Linear Fractional Objective Functions on the Combinatorial Configuration of Permutations Under Multicriteriality

Електронний архів Полтавського університету економіки і торгівлі

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Title Solving Extremum Problems with Linear Fractional Objective Functions on the Combinatorial Configuration of Permutations Under Multicriteriality
Решение экстремальных задач с дробно-линейными функциями цели на комбинаторной конфигурации перестановок при условии многокритериальности
Creator Koliechkina, Liudmyla Nikolaevna
Dvernaya, Elena Anatolievna
Subject extremum problem
combinatorial configuration
linear fractional function
multicriteriality condition
modified coordinate method
search optimization
Description The authors consider the extremum optimization problem with linear fractional objective functions on combinatorial configuration of permutations under multicriteria condition. Solution methods for linear fractional problems are analyzed to choose the approach to problem’s solution. A solution technique based on graph theory is proposed. The algorithm of the modified coordinate method’s subprogram with search optimization is described. It forms a set of points that satisfy additional constraints of the problem. The general solution algorithm without linearization of the objective function and it’s block diagram are proposed. Examples of the algorithm are described.
Date 2018-04-27T08:32:40Z
Type Article
Identifier 1060-0396 (print version)
ISSN: 1573-8337 (electronic version)
Language en
Relation Cybernetics and Systems Analysis;Volume 53 Issue 4, July 2017