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Хроніка життя інтернованих вояків-українців у таборі Каліш (1922 р.)

Институционный репозиторий Киевского университета имени Бориса Гринченко

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Relation http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/23856/
Title Хроніка життя інтернованих вояків-українців у таборі Каліш (1922 р.)
The chronicle of the life of interned soldiers-Ukrainians in the camp of Kalisz, Poland (1922)
Хроника жизни интернированных воинов-украинцев в лагере Калиш, Польша (1922 г.)
Creator Срібняк, Ігор Володимирович
Subject Index Copernicus
Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Description У статті проаналізовано умови перебування інтернованих вояків-українців у таборі Каліш (Польща) у 1922 р. Зроблено висновок про те, що таборове повсякдення вояків було позначене значними труднощами, але попри це таборяни продовжували будувати своє життя на військових засадах, сподіваючись на відновлення УНР.
The concentration of Ukrainian soldiers in the Kalisz camp began in December 1920, during 1921 here there were two full-fledged divisions of the Army of the Ukrainian People's Republic (in a quantitative composition of more than three thousand people, including about 100 women and children). While retaining its structure and headquarters, these divisions were consolidated into one group of interned UPR troops. The camp had all necessary infrastructures, which allowed to properly organizing the lives and lives of the interned, while adhering to the military background. The camp continued to replenish all the time, but the number of its "inhabitants" was steadily decreasing in connection with the desertion of part of the camp, dismissal from the camp by the decision of the Polish authorities, departure to study and employment of certain categories of soldiers within Poland.
At the beginning of 1922, interned units of the UPR Army in Kalisz, due to the economic crisis in Poland were in an extremely difficult position as a result of almost complete cessation of funding. This led to the fact that almost all areas of the activity of interned Ukrainian armies in the camps were temporarily paralyzed. With a few exceptions, almost all military schools and colleges have ceased their work for some time. The moral condition of the Ukrainian part of the war was at a low level, because food was not always at the proper level, and part of the war was lacking in clothing and footwear. Nevertheless, the majority of the interned was ready to continue to withstand the disadvantages of the camp's existence, sincerely believing in the ideals of the Ukrainian People's Republic.
In the summer of 1922, the situation of the interned improved in connection with the assignment of a significant part of them to perform various jobs within the working teams. For this, interns received daily cash rewards, which allowed them to save or spend to buy the most necessary things, as well as improve your nutrition. The command of the Army of the UPR took steps to ensure that the departure of the interned from the camp for work did not lead to the loss of ties between the workers' units and the headquarters of the units, who were left in the camp. At this time, a powerful consolidating factor was the camp press, which, in addition to uniting belligerence around the idea of restoration of the UNR, also met their information needs.
With the approach of the fall, the need for workers was gradually diminishing, and the interned again were in a difficult position. Against them, the sad prospect of hibernating in the barracks that were not fit for this purpose arose again. Although, in connection with the significant decrease in the number of interned in the camps of the huts there was no shortage for them, their heating (especially in severe frosts) remains one of the most urgent problems of the campers. But this did not shake their commitment to the idea of restoration of the UPR. The camp itself remained one of the largest places of the accumulation of Ukrainian warfare, who in their overwhelming majority consistently advocated national liberation slogans, and were ready to continue the fight against red Russia.
В статье проанализировано условия пребывания интернированных воинов-украинцев в лагере Калиш (Польша) в 1922 г. Сделан вывод о том, что их лагерная повседневность была сопряжена со значительными трудностями, однако, несмотря на это интернированные продолжали основывать свою жизнь на военных началах, надеясь на восстановление УНР.
Publisher Сумський державний університет
Date 2017-12-19
Type Стаття
Format text
Language uk
Identifier http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/23856/1/I_Sribniak_SS_2017_LI_IFF.pdf
Срібняк, Ігор Володимирович (2017) Хроніка життя інтернованих вояків-українців у таборі Каліш (1922 р.) Сумська старовина (LI). с. 25-34. ISSN 2311-5408