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Еволюція творчості Бориса Тенети: дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата філологічних наук


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Title Еволюція творчості Бориса Тенети: дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата філологічних наук
Creator Стороженко, Ліна
Subject художня еволюція
творчий почерк
літературна організація «Ланка»–МАРС
«розстріляне відродження»
literary evolution
literary pattern
«Executed Renaissance»
Description Thesis for the degree of candidate of Philological Sciences with a specialization 10.01.01 – Ukrainian literature. – National University of «Kyiv-Mohyla Academy», Kyiv, 2016.
In Ukrainian literature studies the thesis is the first comprehensive research of literary works of Borys Teneta as an integral literary system.
This thesis research provides an attempt to rehabilitate Borys Teneta as a writer and his personality in the context of literary-historical process since national literature is created not only by outstanding but minor writers as well. Critical re-evaluation of literary works of the author and research of his literary development evolution are based not only on individual vision; the thesis also provides critical comments available in periodical editions of 1920s–1930s, recollections of the writer’s contemporaries, archive materials and latest literary researches.
With the purpose of thorough understanding of the origins and evolution of literary development of Borys Teneta and determination of the writer’s literary pattern establishment, the thesis provides reconstruction of life milestones and creative biography of the author and research of origins and ways which served for his worldview formation. There was clarified the importance of «Lanka»–MARS (Workshop of Revolutionary Word) literary organization in the establishment of Ukrainian literature of «Executed Renaissance» period and its influence on literary works of Borys Teneta. The thesis covers literary development of the writer in critical reception of 1920s–1930s and in memoir-critical discourse of 1950s–2010s. There were also outlines the periods of the writer’s literary development (1924–1927; 1928–1935).
The thesis provides analysis of available poetic works of the writer (14 works). There were studied the formation and establishment of poetic philosophy of Borys Teneta and revealed the peculiarities of literary evolution of the author’s poetry. There were determined and characterized the key motives of the poet’s lyrics among which existential concepts are predominant. The thesis pays special attention to gradual transformation of artistic vision of Borys Teneta and expression of philosophical origin in the poet’s interpretation of the destiny of Ukrainian people. It was ascertained that referral of the poet to philosophical conceptualization of new topics, motives and characters determines the presence of such remarkable traits in the author’s poetry as meditativeness and reflexivity. Therefore, we can safely claim about fixation of specific impressionistic traits such as «picturesqueness» and «musicality» in the author’s poetry. Another literary peculiarity of poetic heritage of Borys Teneta is emergence of impressionistic traits revealed through «author – lyrics subject» co-dependence inherent to the specified direction and poetry of the author.
The thesis provides analysis of forms of genre-style modifications of flash, medium and prose of the writer. There were traced the main regularities of literary evolution in his prose. In particular, it was ascertained that his early short novels are distinguished by consecutive implementation of predominant modern traits of the epoch; these short novels reflect the wide range of the author’s modern worldview-esthetic and genre-style pursuits which were expressed in such novelistic forms as short novel-reflection, lyrical short novel, epistolary, psychological and socio-psychological short novels. It was studies that impressionism which clearly shows through in literary works (commitment to feelings and moods, individual and personal perception of reality and its immediate fixation, trust-based relations with reader, first-person narration form, disintegration of panoramic thinking, etc.) is a stylistic dominant idea in literary development of «early» Teneta.
The thesis points out that despite the assonance of impressionistic direction with literary imperative of the author, the prose-writer had to cultivate realistic writing style propagandized by the Soviet socialistic reality. Afterwards, the prose of Borys Teneta starts «to develop» in tendentious «proletarian» direction which marked the beginning of corresponding stage in literary biography of the writer. However, false reproduction of «enjoyable daily routine», borrowing of the set of ideology-driven schemes from the armory of «industrial» prose, forced anti-literary artificialness extrinsic of the author’s individual style made his literary success completely impossible and, moreover, they were like esthetic suicide for the writer. Having realized that, Borys Teneta tries to change literary regulations enacted by the system and leave the rails of «proletarian» writing. Since then historical works can be traced in literary development of the writer.
This thesis research provides understanding of specificity of worldview-esthetic innovatory pursuits of the writer; analysis of the writer’s individual style in the context of Ukrainian literature development in 1920s–1930s.
Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата філологічних наук за спеціальністю 10.01.01 – українська література. – Національний університет «Києво-Могилянська академія», Київ, 2016.
Дисертація є першим в українському літературознавстві комплексним дослідженням літературного доробку Бориса Тенети як цілісної художньої системи.
У роботі відтворено віхи життя та творчу біографію письменника; досліджено джерела та шляхи формування його світогляду. З’ясовано значення літературної організації «Ланка»–МАРС у становленні українського письменства періоду «розстріляного відродження» та її вплив на творчість Бориса Тенети. Досліджено критичну рецепцію творчого доробку літератора у різний час (1920-і–1930-і рр.; 1950-і–2010-і рр.). Окреслено періоди творчості письменника (1924–1927 рр.; 1928–1935 рр.). Виявлено особливості художньої еволюції поезії митця; простежено рух домінантних мотивів та образів у ліриці Тенети-поета. Визначено форми жанрово-стильових модифікацій прози письменника та з’ясовано основні закономірності її художньої еволюції (від модерністської новели, через випробування соцреалізмом, до історичного роману). Осмислено своєрідність світоглядно-естетичних новаторських пошуків письменника; проаналізовано індивідуальний стиль автора у контексті розвитку української літератури 1920-х–1930-х рр.
Date 2016-05-18T13:41:00Z
Type Thesis
Identifier http://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9069
Language ua