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Окрема думка та соціальні перетворення: важливість судових рішень


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Title Окрема думка та соціальні перетворення: важливість судових рішень
Dissent and Social Transformation: the Importance of Judicial Decisions
Creator Футей, Богдан
Subject судова влада
верховенство права
громадянське суспільство
судова незалежність
the Judiciary
the Rule of Law
Ideal Civil Society
Judicial independence
Description In the United States and other countries, including Ukraine, the judiciary has a role to play in a
transforming society by attempting to impartially craft clear legal rulings that apply equally to all. The
judiciary, then, can be the voice of how the legal framework of society should be constructed. At times,
however, the judiciary fails to protect individual rights, and at these moments, it is crucially important for
judges to express themselves in dissent. Those dissenting opinions of appellate justices, especially in our
court of the last resort, the United States Supreme Court, can transform society by alleviating the natural
social pressure towards conformity and agreement. The Legal Aspect of an Ideal Civil Society. Adherence to the rule of law characterizes the legal aspect of
the ideal civil society. The rule of law is the lynchpin of democracy, which leads to a better and more
prosperous economic life. Under the rule of law concept, the supremacy of law means that all persons are
subject to the law and treated equally before it, regardless of their status. The citizens of a country know that
they will not be punished in a way that government officials would not be, and government officials know
that they will not be prosecuted on trumped up charges or treated any differently than the other citizens. To
enforce the rule of law, a civil society requires a strong and independent judiciary, since judges must be free
to speak their minds as to the meaning and application of laws.
The Role of Dissent in Promoting the Ideal Civil Society. The reality of where a society is frequently fails
to live up to where many think a civil society should be. Those who think a society is failing in some way can
speak up and attempt to spark change. In the judiciary, these critical voices express their dismay through
dissents, and it is critical that judges feel the freedom to speak that dissent in writing. Those dissents serve
a number of purposes: they may act as a catalyst for legislative action; they may force the majority to
improve their opinions; or they may take society to task for current failings while appealing to the hope of
future change.
If scholars have that space, they can discuss all opinions – even the unpopular ones – to determine what
works best for the civil society of Ukraine. I hope that these remarks will be a call to those scholars – as well
as to lawyers, jurists, professors, and intellectuals in Ukraine and elsewhere – to stand up and be counted
in the ongoing battle to protect the rule of law in Ukraine.
Автор статті підкреслює, що судова влада має важливе завдання - змінювати суспільство
через спроби неупередженого творення чітких правових норм, які однаково застосовуються до всіх;
розкриває правові аспекти ідеального громадянського суспільства та роль окремої думки в його
Date 2016-11-23T11:14:22Z
Type Article
Identifier Футей Богдан. Окрема думка та соціальні перетворення : важливість судових рішень / Футей Б. // Наукові записки НаУКМА : Юридичні науки. - 2016. - Т. 181. - С. 35-38.
Language ua
Relation Наукові записки НаУКМА: Юридичні науки