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Стильова норма як різновид мовної норми


Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Стильова норма як різновид мовної норми
Stylistic Norm as a Type of Language Norm
Creator Селігей, Пилип
Subject мовна норма
стильова норма
нормування мови
функціональний стиль
standard language
functional style
language norm
stylistic norm
stylistic mistake
Description The article examines the nature of a stylistic norm, fixing the use of the determined language element as
correct, relevant, exemplary, and commonly used. Selectivity, evaluation, and obligation are important
features of a language norm. Unlike other norms of language levels, which are literary, stylistic norms
functionally determine speech. Namely, they regulate the use of linguistic units which are natural and
appropriate to a certain functional style, provide unity and consistency of a statement, and prevent confusion
of styles.
It is mentioned that with the help of stylistic norms the author can find out the optimal means to transfer
the necessary content. The text written in compliance with stylistic norms is exemplary, processed, and
comprehensible. Free use of stylistic norms is a high point of language skills. The stylistic norm is determined
as a rule which regulates the appropriateness of the use of language means depending on the speech style.
Stylistic norms are less categorical and more liberal in comparison with norms of other levels. They are
situation-conditioned and dependent on tonality, communication conditions, and genre requirements.
It is shown that bookish styles are differed in variation degree of norms. The art style admits the widest
possible variety – from specific word use to the methods of text structure. Official style standards show tight
standardization, nonvariation, and the corresponding texts – maximum proximity to the style invariant. The
scientific style occupies the intermediate position on this scale.
The standard phenomenon inevitably provides the deviation from it – stylistic mistakes, namely breaking
of stylistic norms, consisting in the use of not correspondent to the requirements style and purpose of the
text. Stylistic mistakes violate the unity of presentation, introduce stylistic diversity, and in great numbers –
stylistic inconsistency. As a result, there are obstacles for quick, precise, and unambiguous understanding
of the content.
У статті розглянуто основні ознаки стильової норми порівняно з іншими мовними нормами.
Показано, що для повноцінного функціонування мови її стильовий рівень теж має бути внормований.
Наведено міркування стосовно критеріїв стильової норми.
Date 2016-12-23T09:21:40Z
Type Article
Identifier http://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/10370
Language ua
Relation Наукові записки НаУКМА: Філологічні науки: (мовознавство)