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Соціально-психологічні напрями вдосконалення управлінської діяльності менеджерів вітчизняних MLM-фірм


Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Соціально-психологічні напрями вдосконалення управлінської діяльності менеджерів вітчизняних MLM-фірм
Psychosocial aspects of improvement of administrative activity of national MLM-companies’ managers
Creator Брик, Оксана
Subject менеджер мережевого маркетингу
управлінський процес
стиль керівництва
психологічна допомога
психологічний консалтинг
network marketing manager
administrative activity
leadership style
psychological help
psychological consulting
Description The article addresses a theoretical study of optimization of administrative activity, in particular, the
leadership style, in modern Ukrainian network marketing companies. It also examines the psychologist’s’
role in the aforementioned activity in order to achieve maximum effectiveness of the administrative activity
under the market economy conditions.
The study states that under market economy conditions, the strategic goal of improvement of the
management process should be its overall democratization and humanization, focusing on the individual as
the target, subject, and object of management. This holds especially true for network marketing companies
since their main line of activity lies in working with people and through people – distributors – on whom the
reputation of the company, its turnover and profits depend.
Since a specific managerial situation that could arise through the process of management may require
the usage of methods or techniques inherent to different styles of leadership, the manager’s mastering the
largest possible number of different methods and techniques for people management would be the
psychological reserve for optimization of the management style in MLM-companies.
The solution to the problem of development of the optimal leadership style requires an effective increase
in the psychological competence and self-improvement of managers. This applies to both network marketing
managers and MLM-companies’ executives, since the latter also require psychological support and advisory
assistance to adapt to work conditions and requirements. This kind of support and assistance could be
provided either by full-time specialists of the company’s socio-psychological department or by invited
independent experts in management psychology. It may also be useful to promote cooperation between the
company’s socio-psychological department and the invited independent experts.
In addition, visiting seminars on psychology of management and relevant socio-psychological topics, as
well as round tables or conferences conducted by professional socio-psychological organizations and sociopsychological
training centers and by MLM-companies’ executives could have a positive impact on the
optimization of the management process.
Статтю присвячено теоретичному дослідженню оптимізації управлінського процесу, зокрема
стилю керівництва, в сучасних українських мережевих маркетингових компаніях та ролі практичних психологів щодо участі в цьому процесі.
Date 2017-01-16T17:04:41Z
Type Article
Identifier Брик Оксана Михайлівна. Соціально-психологічні напрями вдосконалення управлінської діяльності менеджерів вітчизняних MLM-фірм / Брик О. М. // Наукові записки НаУКМА : Педагогічні, психологічні науки та соціальна робота. - 2016. - Т. 188. - С. 56-60.
Language ua
Relation Наукові записки НаУКМА: Педагогічні, психологічні науки та соціальна робота