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Electronic Archive Khmelnitskiy National University ELARKHNU

Переглянути архів Інформація


Поле Співвідношення
Title Political self-advertising
Names Лютко, Наталія Віталіївна
Liutko, N.
Date Issued 2015-04 (iso8601)
Abstract The article deals with multiaspect self-advertising and its functional properties in
politics. The theories attempting to explain the phenomenon of self-advertising, in
particular, the «mirror theory» of Ch. Cooley, the theory of symbolic interactionism of
G. Mead, the theory of social learning of A. Bandura are analyzied. It is determined
thattemporal perspective, true content, based on the sincerity of the author, the
author's reputation, which has the image character, and social and political values on
which the image is based are important self-advertising features.
Genre Стаття
Topic political advertising
Identifier Liutko N. Political self-advertising / N. Liutko // Nauka i studia. - Przemyśl : Sp. z o.o. «Nauka i studia». – 2015. – Nr. 6 (137). - P. 86-92.