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Personified information technology to support the tourist with excursion content in DAISY format

Електронний науковий архів Науково-технічної бібліотеки Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Personified information technology to support the tourist with excursion content in DAISY format
Creator Pasichnyk, V.
Lozytskyy, O.
Savchuk, V.
Subject DAISY format
“quantum of knowledge”
mobile tourist information technologies
trip support
audio guide
multimedia travel guide
dynamic content
personalized information content
tourist information technology
audio tours
sightseeing content
Description The paper is devoted to a depth analysis of the intellectual processes of dynamic formation of personal audio and video content for mobile information support of a user during his touristic trip. The main goal is to develop methodological approaches that are appropriate to use for designing one of the subsystems of innovative intelligent system “MIAT” (Mobile Information Assistant of Tourists) that will provide formation and processing of audio and video content that is required for individual information technology of user support during realization his excursion. The authors examined the architecture of mobile audio travel guides and algorithmic synchronization tools of their multimedia content components. Travel guidebooks in DAISY format are proposed to use as sources of multimedia content that accompanies the trip or tour. The basic requirements for mobile subsystems of intelligent information systems “MIAT” are formed, so it is responsible for dynamic personalized audio and video support tourists during realization his trip.
Date 2016-07-13T11:46:00Z
Type Article
Identifier Pasichnyk V. Personified information technology to support the tourist with excursion content in DAISY format / V. Pasichnyk, O. Lozytskyy, V. Savchuk // Econtechmod : an international quarterly journal on economics in technology, new technologies and modelling processes. – Lublin ; Rzeszow, 2016. – Volum 5, number 2. – P. 77–84. – Bibliography: 20 titles.
Language en
Format application/pdf
Publisher Commission of Motorization and Energetics in Agriculture