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The improvement of the existing land ownerships and land tenures by land exchange in Ukraine

Електронний науковий архів Науково-технічної бібліотеки Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title The improvement of the existing land ownerships and land tenures by land exchange in Ukraine
Creator Bugaіenko, Olena
Contributor Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
Subject land exchange
agricultural land
land reallotment
land consolidation
land fragmentation
Description The research is aimed at substantiation of the nexisting land tenures and land ownerships improvement in Ukraine based on the development of the approaches to land
exchange. International experience of land exchange at land consolidation and land reallocation projects has been considered. The expediency of taking into consideration the qualitative, spatial and technological factors at removing general land tenure drawbacks in Ukraine have been substantiated.
Date 2018-04-18T13:57:22Z
Type Conference Abstract
Identifier Bugaіenko O. The improvement of the existing land ownerships and land tenures by land exchange in Ukraine / Olena Bugaіenko // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings of the 6th International youth science forum, November 24–26, 2016, Lviv, Ukraine / Lviv Polytechnic National University. – Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016. – P. 135–136. – Bibliography: 11 titles.
Language en
Relation [1] А. De Moor, “ Urban Land Reallotment” presented at Geodesign Summit Europe, Salzburg, Austria, 27-28 January, 2015. [2] FAO, The design of land consolidation pilot projects in Central and Eastern Europe. FAO Land Tenure Studies no. 6. Rome, 2003. [3] М. Hartvigsen, “Land Mobility in a Central and Eastern European Land Consolidation Context,” Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research vol.10 , no. 1, pp. 23–46. Jan. 2014. [4] A. Van den Brink and M. Molema, “The origins of Dutch rural planning: a study of the early history of land consolidation in the Netherlands,” / Planning Perspectives, vol. 23, no. 4. – pp. 427-453, October 2008. [5] R. Giovarelli and D. Bledsoe, Land Reform in Eastern Europe - Western CIS, Transcaucuses, Balkans, and EU Accession Countries. [Online] Available: http://www.fao.org/3/a-ad878e.pdf. [Accessed 01 October 2001]. [6] А. Hendricks and А. Lisec, “Land consolidation for large-scale infrastructure projects in Germany,” Geodetski Vestnik , vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 46– 68, March 2014. [7] O. Bugaienko, “Doslidzhennia faktoriv, shcho vplyvaiut na provedennia rivnotsinnoho obminu zemelnykh dilianok silskohospodarskoho pryznachennia” [“The research of factors affecting the peer agricultural land plots exchange”], Mistobuduvannia ta terytorialne planuvannia - Urban construction and territory planning, vol.57, pp. 48-54, June 2015 (in Ukrainian). [8] L. N. Semerkova and N. Yu. Ulytskaia “Aksyolohyja marketynha selʹskochozjajstvennуch zemelʹ,” [“Аxiology of agricultural land marketing”] Yzvestyia vіsshykh uchebnukh zavedenyi, Povolzhskyi rehyon. Obshchestvennye nauky - Higher educational establishment proceedings. Povolzhskiy region. Social sciences, vol. 1, no. 25, pp. 104-116, 2013 ( in Russian). [9] M. Malashevskyi and O. Bugaіenko, “The substantiation of urban habitats peer land exchange in Ukraine,” Geodesy and Cartography, vol.42, no. 2, pp. 53–57, June 2016. [10]M. A. Hendelman, et al., (1986). Zemleustroitelnoe proektirovanie [Land Surveying Design]. Moscow: Agropromizdat Publ., 1986 (in Russian). [11] V. K. Chibiriakov et al., “Vdoskonalennia metodyky rozrakhunku rivnotsinnykh zemelnykh dilianok silskohospodarskoho pryznachennia pry provedenni obminu” [“The development of peer agricultural land plots calculation methodology at the exchange process”], Inzhenerna geodezija - Engineering geodesy, no. 62, pp. 85-94, Dec. 2015 (in Ukrainian).
Format 135-136
Coverage UA
Publisher Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House