Запис Детальніше

Peculiarities of ecological labeling of goods in Ukraine

Електронний науковий архів Науково-технічної бібліотеки Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Peculiarities of ecological labeling of goods in Ukraine
Creator Kholiavka, Liliia
Olishevs'ka, Oleksandra
Contributor Lviv Polytechnic National University
Subject the ecological labeling
the ecological labeling sign
the sign «Green crane»
Description The notion of ecological labeling, in particular
foods, and importance of the sign "Green Crane" in Ukraine
and EU countries has been researched. Advantages and
disadvantages of the labeling has been highlighted. Besides,
stages of the ecological labeling of goods and main criterions
of getting the labeling were determined.
Date 2018-04-12T13:06:42Z
Type Conference Abstract
Identifier Kholiavka L. Peculiarities of ecological labeling of goods in Ukraine / Liliia Kholiavka, Oleksandra Olishevs'ka // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings, 23–25 November, 2017. — Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2017. — P. 124–125. — (4th International academic conference «Environmental protection, natural resource management and tourism 2017» (EcoTour-2017)).
Kholiavka L. Peculiarities of ecological labeling of goods in Ukraine / Liliia Kholiavka, Oleksandra Olishevs'ka // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings, 23–25 November, 2017. — Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2017. — P. 124–125. — (4th International academic conference «Environmental protection, natural resource management and tourism 2017» (EcoTour-2017)).
Language en
Relation Litteris et Artibus : матеріали, 2017
Litteris et Artibus : proceedings, 2017
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[1] (2012) "Environmental labels and declarations. General principles" [Online]. Available: http://www.ecolabel.org.ua/korisnainformatsiya/ekologi chne-markuvannya-v-sistemi-iso/iso-14020.html
[2] N. Matsipura "The Ukrainian environmental labeling program has undergone an international audit and has received a certificate of the Genicese Mutual Recognition Program", Standartyzatsiya. Sertyfikatsiya. Yakist'. Vol 3, pp. 41-42. [Online]. Available:http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/ssia_2011_3_12
[3] S.V. Berzina "Ecological product certification: Environmental labeling in questions and answers", K., Vyd-vo TOV "Dzherela znan'", 2007, 56 r.
[4] (2012 Aug 16) "The right to use the Ukrainian mark of environmental labeling "Green Crane" was first provided to the US-based detergent product Greenuniklin" [Online]. Available:http://www.ecolabel.org.ua/novini/402-new.html.
[5] S.V. Berzina "Product life cycle assessment and environmental labeling". [Online]. Available:http://waste.com.ua.
[6] "Approval of the Technical Regulation on environmental labeling" [Online]. Available:http://zakon5.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/529-2011-%D0%BF.
[7] (2014 Oct 15) "Ukrainians can be proud of their sunflower oil" [Online]. Available: https://tsn.ua/ukrayina/ukrayinci-mozhut-pishatisyasvoyeyu- sonyashnikovoyu-oliyeyu-373929.html
[8] (2014 Mar 12) "Products labeled "Green Crane" are safer?" [Online]. Available:https://kyiv.comments.ua/news/2014/03/12/101550.htm
[9] (2017 May 26) "Discussion of the disadvantages of environmental labeling" [Online]. Available:http://old.menr.gov.ua/press-center/news/132-news10/6173-predstavnyky-profilnykh-ministerstv-taeksperty-obhovoryly-nedoliky-ekolohichnohomarkuvannia-produktsii-v-ukraini.html
Rights © Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2017
Format 124-125
Coverage 23–25 листопада 2017 року
23–25 November, 2017
Publisher Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House