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Remote Sensing Methods andMaterials Usage in State Border Demarcation Works

Електронний науковий архів Науково-технічної бібліотеки Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Remote Sensing Methods andMaterials Usage in State Border Demarcation Works
Використання методів та матеріалів дистанційного зондування для демаркації державного кордону
Использование методов и материалов дистанционного зондирования для демаркации
Creator Раткевичс, А.
Целмс, А.
Баумане, В.
Ratkevičs, A.
Celms, A.
Baumane, V.
Раткевичс, А.
Целмс, А.
Баумане, В.
Contributor Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Environment and Civil Engineering, Department of Land Management and Geodesy
Subject Geodesy
Remote sensing
State border demarcation
Description Використання технології дистанційного зондування
разом з географічними інформаційними системами
відкриває нові можливості для розвитку робіт з демаркації
державного кордону.
Дослідження проводилося на основі латисько-
російського процесу демаркації державного кордону,
на практиці використовуються результати вишукувальних
робіт і досвід, накопичений в 1999–2017 рр.
State border surveying work – as part of Demarcation
process include over than simple a number of different
geodetic surveying work realisation. The Demarcation works
the framework of within to carry out surveying and
topographic surveying work to them can be added the
following measures: – establish common geodetic reference
network in border land, where are included such works as in
geodetic points surveying, the coordinate calculations and
network alignments; – projected (delimitation) state border line
position determination and the initial postponement of the
current area; – the state border marking and the strengthening
of the area; – organize in the wild area strengthed the state
border technical and legal documentation, in accordance with
meet more or less geodesic or topographic surveying amount
of work, where result requires different usage and attainable
quality indicators (1). Amount of usage, as well as the place
and role in the implementation of various measures are
different, ranging from a simple consumable product and the
end by modern sense irreplaceable survey technologies and
product range. In Common geodetic reference network in the
works they serve as support and improve the organization,
usually orthophoto. Project state borderline position
determination and the initial postponement as a boundary line
of the project and its implementation ameliorative material
(orthophoto, aero images, laser scan results). The state border
marking and the strengthening of the area as project
development and implementation of ameliorative material
(orthophoto, aero images, laser scan results). Organize process
in the wild area of strengthed the state boundaries of technical
and legal documentation as an essential drafting basic material
such demarcation card boundary abriss and describes the
compilation (3).
During the Demarcation works can include the national
border of the band creation measures, where implemented
topographical survey works, ensuring the border zone forming
which are part of property alienation. Also, these work
organization and control is used remote sensing technologies
and materials, which, combined with geographic information
system capabilities significantly, improve the results (4).
Summarizing the Latvian State practice implemented by the
State border demarcation work experience and their
assessment of the obtained strong indications that remote
sensing technologies and materials applications are of growing
Remote sensing technology for use together with
geographic information systems opens up new possibilities for
development state border demarcation work of the
The study was conducted based on Latvian – Russian state
border demarcation process, survey works used in practice and
the experience gained in 1999–2017 years.
Использование технологии дистанционного зондиро-
вания вместе с географическими информационными
системами открывает новые возможности для развития
работ по демаркации государственной границы.
Date 2018-06-01T11:13:58Z
Type Article
Identifier Ratkevičs A. Remote Sensing Methods andMaterials Usage in State Border Demarcation Works / A. Ratkevičs, A. Celms, V. Baumane // Сучасні досягнення геодезичної науки та виробництва. — Львів, 2017. — Том 1 (33). — С. 172–178.
Ratkevičs A. Remote Sensing Methods andMaterials Usage in State Border Demarcation Works / A. Ratkevičs, A. Celms, V. Baumane // Suchasni dosiahnennia heodezychnoi nauky ta vyrobnytstva. — Lviv, 2017. — Vol 1 (33). — P. 172–178.
Language en
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Rights © Західне геодезичне товариство, 2017
© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2017
Format 172-178
Coverage Львів