Запис Детальніше

Metallographic examination of 16th century cannon material from the collection of Lviv History Museum

Електронний науковий архів Науково-технічної бібліотеки Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Metallographic examination of 16th century cannon material from the collection of Lviv History Museum
Creator Shvachko, Sergey
Verkhoturova, Mariana
Pishatchin, Maria
Contributor Lviv Polytechnic National University
Army Academy n. a. Hetman P. Sahajdachnyj
Subject the 16th century cannon
metallographic examination. iron
Lviv HistoryMuseum
Description The article presents a detailed description of
a16th century cannon from the collection of Lviv History
Museum. It briefly looks at metallographic analysis techniques
of cannon material. It describes metallographic examination
of the 16th century cannon from the collection of Lviv History
Museum. It makes a conclusion concerning a micro- and
macrostructure of the 16th century cannon material from the
collection of Lviv History Museum.
Date 2018-04-12T13:05:47Z
Type Conference Abstract
Identifier Shvachko S. Metallographic examination of 16th century cannon material from the collection of Lviv History Museum / Sergey Shvachko, Mariana Verkhoturova, Maria Pishatchin // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings, 23–25 November, 2017. — Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2017. — P. 389–390. — (7th International academic conference «Humanities and social sciences 2017” (HSS-2017)).
Shvachko S. Metallographic examination of 16th century cannon material from the collection of Lviv History Museum / Sergey Shvachko, Mariana Verkhoturova, Maria Pishatchin // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings, 23–25 November, 2017. — Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2017. — P. 389–390. — (7th International academic conference «Humanities and social sciences 2017” (HSS-2017)).
Language en
Relation Litteris et Artibus : матеріали, 2017
Litteris et Artibus : proceedings, 2017
[1] Arkhiv Instytutu narodoznavstva Natsional'noyi Akademiyi nauk Ukrayiny. Inventarna knyha Muzeyu NTSh. T. VIII
[2] Atlas defektov staly / Per. s nem. E.Ya. Kaputkyna, – M.: Metallurhyya, 1979. —364 s.
[3] Kovalenko V.S. Metallohrafycheskye reaktyvy. Spravochnyk. – M.: Metallurhyya, 1970. – 210 s.
[4] Kolchyn A.B. «Masterstvo drevnerusskykh kuznetsov»
[5] L'vivs'kyy istorychnyy muzey. Fondova hrupa «Zbroya». Inv. # Z-2880
[6] L'vivs'kyy istorychnyy muzey. Inventarna knyha muzeyu. T.VI.
[7] Metallohrafyya zheleza. Osnovy metallohrafyy (s atlasom mykrofotohrafyy) / Per. s anhl. Z. Sh. Kherodynashvyly; Pod red. F. N. Tavadze. – M.: Metallurhyya, T. I, 1972. – 240 s.
[8] Praktycheskaya metallohrafyya. Metody yz·hotovlenyya obraztsov. /Vashul' Kh.: Per. s nem. – M.: Metallurhyya, 1988. – 320 s.
[9] Spravochnyk po metallohrafycheskomu travlenyyu. // Bekkert M., Klemm Kh. – Leyptsyh, 1976 / Per. s nem. N.Y. Turkynoy, E.Ya. Kaputkyna, N.A. Konovalovoy. – M.: Metallurhyya, 1979. —366 s.
[1] Arkhiv Instytutu narodoznavstva Natsional'noyi Akademiyi nauk Ukrayiny. Inventarna knyha Muzeyu NTSh. T. VIII
[2] Atlas defektov staly, Per. s nem. E.Ya. Kaputkyna, M., Metallurhyya, 1979. -364 s.
[3] Kovalenko V.S. Metallohrafycheskye reaktyvy. Spravochnyk, M., Metallurhyya, 1970, 210 s.
[4] Kolchyn A.B. "Masterstvo drevnerusskykh kuznetsov"
[5] L'vivs'kyy istorychnyy muzey. Fondova hrupa "Zbroya". Inv. # Z-2880
[6] L'vivs'kyy istorychnyy muzey. Inventarna knyha muzeyu. T.VI.
[7] Metallohrafyya zheleza. Osnovy metallohrafyy (s atlasom mykrofotohrafyy), Per. s anhl. Z. Sh. Kherodynashvyly; Pod red. F. N. Tavadze, M., Metallurhyya, T. I, 1972, 240 s.
[8] Praktycheskaya metallohrafyya. Metody yz·hotovlenyya obraztsov. /Vashul' Kh., Per. s nem, M., Metallurhyya, 1988, 320 s.
[9] Spravochnyk po metallohrafycheskomu travlenyyu., Bekkert M., Klemm Kh, Leyptsyh, 1976, Per. s nem. N.Y. Turkynoy, E.Ya. Kaputkyna, N.A. Konovalovoy, M., Metallurhyya, 1979. -366 s.
Rights © Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2017
Format 389-390
Coverage 23–25 листопада 2017 року
23–25 November, 2017
Publisher Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House