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Electronic Archive Khmelnitskiy National University ELARKHNU

Переглянути архів Інформація


Поле Співвідношення
Title The Intelligence System of Software Complexity and Quality Evaluation and Prediction
Names Поморова, Оксана Вікторівна
Pomorova, O.
Говорущенко, Тетяна Олександрівна
Hovorushchenko, T.O.
Date Issued 2011 (iso8601)
Abstract Considering the software evaluation methods analysis results conclusion was drawn, that the perspective research direction is development of intelligent systems, which will be analyzed and processed the design stage metrics analysis results and will be provided the project evaluation and the designed software characteristics prediction. Intelligence System of Software Complexity and Quality Evaluation and Prediction (ISCQEP) is designed to the evaluation of design stage results and prediction of software complexity and quality characteristics on the basis of processing of design stage metrics with exact and predicted values. Quantitative exact and predicted values of design stage metrics is given to the ISCQEP input, and conclusions about the project and designed software complexity and quality are the results of the system functioning. Today the main parameters in the selection of software project version are the design cost and time and designing company reputation, but a decisions on the basis of these parameters are not always guarantee the proper software quality. ISCQEP conclusions allow to compare the different project versions, when the cost and time is approximately equal. The proposed intelligence system of software complexity and quality evaluation and prediction provides the motivated and grounded decision about selection of project on the basis not only cost and time, but also considering project and designed software complexity and quality.
Genre Стаття
Topic Якість програмного забезпечення
Identifier Pomorova, O. The Intelligence System of Software Complexity and Quality Evaluation and Prediction / O. Pomorova, T. Hovorushchenko // Proceedings of the 1-st Іnternational Workshop "Critical infrastructure safety and security (CrlSS-DESSERT'11)", Kirovograd, May 11-13 2011. – Kharkiv, 2011. – P. 257-264.