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Means of computerized analysis for detection of program code appropriation

Електронний науковий архів Науково-технічної бібліотеки Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Means of computerized analysis for detection of program code appropriation
Creator Mohyliak, Taras
Contributor Lviv Polytechnic National University
Subject code appropriation
software plagiarism detection
token comparison
weighting coefficients
code similarity
Description Plagiarism is a common problem for educational institutions. Since it is difficult to detect plagiarized work manually, there is a need of an efficient computerized system, which can detect a theft of program code. For academic purposes, the best results usually give
algorithms, based on tokens comparison. However, they can give false positive results in cases of similar code structure, despite having different domain and purpose. We propose to introduce weighting coefficients for tokens and calculate code similarity percentage using those coefficients. Our experiment study should confirm the quality
improvement of software plagiarism detection.
Date 2018-04-11T09:44:24Z
Type Conference Abstract
Identifier Mohyliak T. Means of computerized analysis for detection of program code appropriation / Taras Mohyliak // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings of the 6th International youth science forum, November 24–26, 2016, Lviv, Ukraine / Lviv Polytechnic National University. – Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016. – P. 61–62. – Bibliography: 6 titles.
Language en
Relation [1] A. Aiken. Measure of Software Similarity. [Online]. Available: https://theory.stanford.edu/~aiken/moss/ [2] L. Prechelt, G. Malpohl and M. Philippsen, JPlag: Finding plagiarisms among a set of programs. Technical Report 2000-1, 2000. [3] S. Schleimer, D.S. Wilkerson and A. Aiken, "Winnowing: Local Algorithms for Document Fingerprinting", Proc. SIGMOD Int'l Conf. Management of Data, pp. 76-85, 2003. [4] J. Krinke, "Identifying Similar Code with Program Dependence Graphs", Proc. Eighth Working Conf. Reverse Eng. (WCRE' 01), 2001. [5] Chao Liu, Chen Chen, Jiawei Han and Philip S. Yu. GPLAG: Detection of Software Plagiarism by Program Dependence Graph Analysis. In the Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD’06), pp. 872-881, Philadelphia, USA, August 2006. [6] C.K. Roy, J.R. Cordy, A Survey on Software Clone Detection Research, Queen’s Technical Report: 541, 2007.
Format 61-62
Coverage UA
Publisher Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House