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Electronic Archive Khmelnitskiy National University ELARKHNU

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Поле Співвідношення
Title Positioning as a Part of Political Marketing
Names Лютко, Наталія Віталіївна
Liutko, N.
Date Issued 2015-12 (iso8601)
Abstract The political subject is defined as the consumer of goods in the form of political power, political ideas, political leaders and parties. The political marketing is observed as the identification of political relations and processes with different forms of market exchange, and the process of electoral choice as a specific market (the act of purchase and sale). The concept of political positioning appeared as the result of relevant categories of commercial research in political sphere. Political positioning should be considered as the process of political communication aimed at acquiring by political actor his position in the political marketing. It is the most difficult type of political and communication strategic campaigns. This approach allows the candidate (party) to compare its image with electorate views of desired (acceptable) candidate, political party; compare its image with the image of an opponent; explore the pros and cons of alternative positions; choose those the most advantageous position candidate (party).
Genre Стаття
Topic positioning
Identifier Liutko N. Positioning as a Part of Political Marketing / N.Liutko // Historia i Polityka. – 2015. – No. 14 (21). – P. 25–31.