Запис Детальніше

Modeling of heterogeneous catalytic recovery process of ketones

Електронний науковий архів Науково-технічної бібліотеки Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Modeling of heterogeneous catalytic recovery process of ketones
Creator Skoretska, Ivanna
Beznosyk, Yuriy
Contributor National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
Subject Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley mechanism
inverse problem of kinetics
rate constant
heterogeneous catalysis
Description The article considers the mathematical model of
the recovery reaction of cyclohexanole by the Meerwein-
Ponndorf-Verley mechanism. The activity of the three catalysts
in the presence of which the reaction of cyclohexanole
recovery took place has been analyzed and selected the most
active zeolite for further calculations. With the use of Mathcad
15.0 software the rate constants of investigated reaction has
been calculated.
Date 2018-04-12T13:06:49Z
Type Conference Abstract
Identifier Skoretska I. Modeling of heterogeneous catalytic recovery process of ketones / Ivanna Skoretska, Yuriy Beznosyk // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings, 23–25 November, 2017. — Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2017. — P. 28–29. — (6th International academic conference «Chemistry & chemical technology 2017» (CCT-2017)).
Skoretska I. Modeling of heterogeneous catalytic recovery process of ketones / Ivanna Skoretska, Yuriy Beznosyk // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings, 23–25 November, 2017. — Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2017. — P. 28–29. — (6th International academic conference «Chemistry & chemical technology 2017» (CCT-2017)).
Language en
Relation Litteris et Artibus : матеріали, 2017
Litteris et Artibus : proceedings, 2017
[1] I. Skoretska, Yu. Beznosyk, “Modeling of heterogeneous catalytic recovery process of aldehydes and ketones”, Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, vol. 3/6 (87), pp. 36-43,2017.
[2] A. Koreniuk, K. Maresz, J. Mrowiec-Białoń, “Supported zirconium-based continuous-flow microreactor for effective Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley reduction of cyclohexanone”, Catalysis Communications, vol. 64, pp. 48–51, 2015.
[3] I. Skoretska, “Recovery of anisyl aldehyde through Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley mechanism”, materials of the XVI All-Ukrainian R&D Students Internet Conference « Science and Technology of the Future», Kyiv, pp.139-140, 27 April – 15 May, 2016.
[4] V. Y. Korobov, V. F. Ochkov, “Khymycheskaia kynetyka: vvedenye s Mathcad”, Maple, MCS, Moscow, Horiachaia lynyia-Telekom, 384 p, 2009.
[1] I. Skoretska, Yu. Beznosyk, "Modeling of heterogeneous catalytic recovery process of aldehydes and ketones", Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, vol. 3/6 (87), pp. 36-43,2017.
[2] A. Koreniuk, K. Maresz, J. Mrowiec-Białoń, "Supported zirconium-based continuous-flow microreactor for effective Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley reduction of cyclohexanone", Catalysis Communications, vol. 64, pp. 48–51, 2015.
[3] I. Skoretska, "Recovery of anisyl aldehyde through Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley mechanism", materials of the XVI All-Ukrainian R&D Students Internet Conference " Science and Technology of the Future", Kyiv, pp.139-140, 27 April – 15 May, 2016.
[4] V. Y. Korobov, V. F. Ochkov, "Khymycheskaia kynetyka: vvedenye s Mathcad", Maple, MCS, Moscow, Horiachaia lynyia-Telekom, 384 p, 2009.
Rights © Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2017
Format 28-29
Coverage 23–25 листопада 2017 року
23–25 November, 2017
Publisher Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House