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Electronic Archive Khmelnitskiy National University ELARKHNU

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Title Questions and Doubts in Britain Literature of the Victorian period
Names Спивачук, Валентина Александровна
Spivachuk, V.O.
Zholobova, T.D.
Date Issued 2004-10-29 (iso8601)
Abstract It is important to remember that these purposes and effects happened first to readers who were living Victorian lives. The poems, stories, novel excerpts, plays, and essays that make up this selection of Victorian literature did not exist above or outside the comfortable and often confident lives of their readers. Many of the people who read Dickens settled down with his books after dining in rooms as garishly decorated as the Veneerings'. Most of the young men and women who thrilled to Dante Gabriel Rossetti's sensualism and to A. E. Housman's tender gloom probably moved on to make proper and modestly happy marriages and to find worthy occupations. People who were making a lot of money listened to Carlyle and Ruskin telling them that they were foolish and damned. People who were disturbed by how much money was being made listened to Macaulay reminding them that a century or so before they might not have been able to afford, or even read, his book. Victorian literature needs to be read not just as a com¬ment on the complexity of its culture, but also as an important part of that culture. Its writers sent their words to work in the world to alter, to reinforce, to challenge, to enlarge, or to relieve the ideas and feelings with which their contemporaries managed their lives.
Genre Стаття
Topic Victorian period
Identifier Spivachuk V. O. Questions and Doubts in Britain Literature of the Victorian period / V. O. Spivachuk, T. D. Zholobova // Modern Trends in teaching and Studying English in Ukraine : Materials of the third Tesol West-Ukraine Regional Conference, October 29, 2004. – Хмельницький, 2004. – P. 83-84.