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Parallel ordered-access machine computational model and architecture

Електронний науковий архів Науково-технічної бібліотеки Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Parallel ordered-access machine computational model and architecture
Creator Melnyk, Anatoliy
Contributor Lviv Polytechnic National University
Subject Computational model
Computer architecture
Parallel ordered-access memory
Parallel ordered-access machine
Description The article presents the new computational model which we name the parallel ordered-access machine because of its base – the parallel ordered-access memory. It
also describes the computer architecture which implements proposed computational model and owing to this does not have such a limitation as the memory wall and provides parallel conflict-free memory access. The efficiency of the proposed
ordered-access machine computational model is evaluated and an example of its implementation is presented.
Date 2017-11-24T07:48:12Z
Type Article
Identifier Melnyk A. Parallel ordered-access machine computational model and architecture / Anatoliy Melnyk // Advances in Cyber-Physical Systems. – 2016. – Volume 1, number 2. – P. 93–101. – Bibliography: 39 titles.
Language en
Rights © Melnyk A., 2016
Format 93–101
Coverage UA
Publisher Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University