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Synthesis, porous structure and catalytic properties of mixed vanadium-titanium phosphates in aldol condensation reaction of acetic acid with formaldehyde

Електронний науковий архів Науково-технічної бібліотеки Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Synthesis, porous structure and catalytic properties of mixed vanadium-titanium phosphates in aldol condensation reaction of acetic acid with formaldehyde
Creator Nebesnyi, Roman
Shpyrka, Iryna
Sydorchuk, Volodymyr
Khalameida, Svitlana
Khalameida, Svitlana
Ivasiv, Volodymyr
Orobchuk, Oksana
Zavalii, Kateryna
Lapychak, Nazariy
Contributor Lviv Polytechnic National University
Institute for Sorption and Problems of Endoecology of NAS of Ukraine
Subject acrylic acid
aldol condensation
solid catalysts
mechanochemical treatment
porous structure
Description Mixed vanadium-titanium phosphates as well as individual vanadium and titanium phosphates were prepared via precipitation from sulfate aqueous solutions. Co-precipitated phosphates were modified through mechanochemical treatment (MChT) and characterized using the adsorption-structural methods. The aldol condensation of acetic acid with formaldehyde to acrylic acid has been used as a test reaction. Reduction of optimum reaction temperature from 623 K to 573 K on the treated catalysts is observed.
Date 2018-05-04T07:55:37Z
Type Conference Abstract
Identifier Synthesis, porous structure and catalytic properties of mixed vanadium-titanium phosphates in aldol condensation reaction of acetic acid with formaldehyde / Roman Nebesnyi, Iryna Shpyrka, Volodymyr Sydorchuk, Svitlana Khalameida, Volodymyr Ivasiv, Oksana Orobchuk, Kateryna Zavalii, Nazariy Lapychak // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings of the 6th International youth science forum, November 24–26, 2016, Lviv, Ukraine / Lviv Polytechnic National University. – Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016. – P. 408–409. – Bibliography: 8 titles.
Language en
Relation [1] R. Nebesnyi, V. Ivasiv, Y. Dmytruk, N. Lapychak, “Acrylic acid obtaining by acetic acid catalytic condensation with formaldehyde”, Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, Vol. 6, no 6(66), pp. 40-42, 2013. [2] M. Kazemeinia, V. Hosseinpour, “Minimizing CO2 Formation in Ir-Catalyzed Methanol Carbonylation Process”, CHISA 2012, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 42, pp. 1179-1188, Aug. 2012. [3] G. Ormsbya, J.S.J. Hargreavesa, E.J. Ditzelb, “A methanol-only route to acetic acid”, Catalysis Communications, Vol. 10, Issue 9, pp. 1292-1295, Apr. 2009. [4] I. Wachs, L. Briand; “In situ formation of metal-molybdate catalysts for methanol oxidation to formaldehyde”, U.S. Patent 6624332, September 23, 2003. [5] R.V. Nebesnyi, V.V. Ivasiv, V.M. Zhyznevskyy, S.V. Shybanov, S.V. Maykova, “Kondensatsiya otstovoyi kysloty z formaldegidom u akrylovu kyslotu na В-Р-Мо- Сs-Оx katalizatorah v gazoviy fazi” [Condensation of acetic acid with formaldehyde to acrylic acid over B-PMo- Cs-Ox catalysts in the gas phase], Visnyk NU “LP” “Khimia, tekhnologiya rechovyn ta yikh zastosuvannia” – Visnyk NU ”LP” “Chemistry, technology of substances and their applications”, no 667, pp. 196-199, 2010 (in Ukrainian). [6] V.V. Ivasiv, Z.G. Pikh, V.M. Zhyznevskyy, R.V. Nebesnyi, “Fizyko-khimichni vlastyvosti poverkhni B2O3 – P2O5 – МеOх/SiO2 katalizatoriv ta yikh vplyv na parametry protsesu aldolnoyi condensatsiyi propionovoyi kysloty z formaldehidom” [Physical-chemical properties of surface of B2O3 – P2O5 – МеOх/SiO2 catalysts and their influence on parameters of propionic acid aldol condensation with formaldehyde], Dopovidi NAN Ukrayiny – Reports of NASc of Ukraine, no. 11, pp. 126- 130, 2011 (in Ukrainian). [7] E. Skwarek, S. Khalameida, W. Janusz, V. Sydorchuk, N. Konovalova, V. Zazhigalov, J. Skubiszewska-Zięba, R. Leboda Influence of mechanochemical activation on structure and some properties of mixed vanadiummolybdenum oxides. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2011, V.106, N3, P.881-894. [8] J. Skubiszewska-Zieba, S. Khalameida, V. Sydorchuk. Comparison of surface properties of silica xeroand hydrogels hydrothermally modified using mechanochemical, microwave and classical methods. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2016, V. 504, P. 139-153.
Format 408-409
Coverage UA
Publisher Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House