Запис Детальніше

Evaluation ofa formalized model for classification of emergency situations

Електронний науковий архів Науково-технічної бібліотеки Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Evaluation ofa formalized model for classification of emergency situations
Creator Titova, Vera
Gnatchuk, Ielizaveta
Contributor Khmelnitsky National University
Subject formalization of conditions
fuzzy neural networks
emergency situations
problem of classification of emergency situations
Formalized Model
Neural Network Model
Description Formalization of conditions that characterize the problem of classification of emergency situations is considered in this paper.This formalization is the basis for the Formalized Model of the emergency situations classificationproblem. Intelligent methods are used to solve this problem. These methods are also the basis for the development of the Neural Network Model for emergency situation classification. In this paper wedevelop the structure of the model and determine the number of network layers, the types of neurons and its membership functions. Using the Neural Network Model as decision
support for the dispatchers of emergency services makes it possible to improve the quality of emergency situations classification.
Date 2018-02-22T11:50:27Z
Type Conference Abstract
Identifier Titova V. Evaluation ofa formalized model for classification of emergency situations / Vera Titova, Ielizaveta Gnatchuk // Computational linguistics andintelligent systems (COLINS 2017) : proceedings of the 1st International conference, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 21 April 2017 / National Technical University «KhPI», Lviv Polytechnic National University. – Kharkiv, 2017. – P. 110–119. – Bibliography: 8 titles.
Language en
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Format 110-119
Coverage UA
Publisher National Technical University «KhPI»