Запис Детальніше

A long survival of a patient with brain metastasis of unknown site of the primary tumor

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

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Title A long survival of a patient with brain metastasis of unknown site of the primary tumor
Creator Ben Kridis, W.
Sghaier, S.
Toumi, N.
Boudawara, Z.
Khanfir, A.
Daoud, J.
Frikha, M.
Subject Case report
Description Eighty percent of brain metastases (BM) are diagnosed in patients with known primary site of cancer. BM of unknown primary represents a difficult diagnosis. In up to 15% of patients with BM, the site of the primary tumor will not be detected despite investigations. The prognosis of this entity is very poor. We report here a case of a long survival of a patient with brain metastasis of unknown primary. The conclusion that can be drawn is that within BM of unknown primary exist patients with a very good prognosis that must be collected and published in order to base recommendations.
Date 2018-06-19T21:13:01Z
Type Article
Identifier A long survival of a patient with brain metastasis of unknown site of the primary tumor / W. Ben Kridis, S. Sghaier, N. Toumi, Z. Boudawara, A. Khanfir, J. Daoud, M. Frikha // Experimental Oncology. — 2018 — Т. 40, № 1. — С. 85–87. — Бібліогр.: 29 назв. — англ.
Language en
Relation Experimental Oncology
Publisher Інститут експериментальної патології, онкології і радіобіології ім. Р.Є. Кавецького НАН України