Запис Детальніше

Biochemical disorders in patients with strangulated abdominal hernias, complicatedby acute intestinal obstruction

Цифровий Репозиторій - Інтелектуальні Фонди Буковинського державного медичного університету

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Biochemical disorders in patients with strangulated abdominal hernias, complicatedby acute intestinal obstruction
Creator Polyovyy, V.P.
Sydorchuk, R.I.
Raileanu, S.I.
Karliychuk, O.O.
Subject Strangulated abdominal wall hernia
intestinal obstruction
metabolism violations
защемлена грижа передньої черевної стінки
кишкова непрохідність
порушення метаболізму
ущемлённая грыжа передней брюшной стенки
кишечная непроходимость
нарушения метаболизма
Description Existing literature sources related to the problem of strangulated hernias are contradictory. Specific attention is paid to intestinal obstruction as a complication of strangulated hernias. There is no clear answer concerning changes of different links of metabolism in patients with strangulated hernia and intestinal obstruction. The aim of the study was to evaluate the changes of metabolism in patients with strangulated abdominal wall hernias complicated and non-complicated by intestinal obstruction.Totally 120 patients participated in the study, among them 78 patients were operated for strangulated hernia of anterior abdominal wall with no signs of acute intestinal obstruction (I group) and 42 patients who were operated for complicated acute intestinal obstruction (II group). Groups were equivalent according to age and sex parameters. Bioethics was strictly obeyed. Metabolic changes evaluated according the literature recommendations. Methods of variation statistics applied through MS Excel® software. In the Igroup patients we noted the favorable course of the disease in the postoperative period. Decompensation of comorbidities in this group of patients was not identified. In patients with strangulated hernia complicated by acute intestinal obstruction (II group), significant disruption of homeostasis were revealed at admission that grew further postope-ratively and were most pronounced on the third postoperative day. Statistically significant deviations from the normal values in protein, carbohydrate and water-electrolyte metabolisms have been identified in this group of patients. Strangulated abdominal wall hernias without intestinal obstruction lead to minor changes in different metabolic processes. Complicated hernias with intestinal obstruction cause serious disruption of all forms of metabolism with residual violations even at the time of 3-7 days after surgery.
Date 2018-06-25T09:25:31Z
Type Article
Identifier UDC 617.55-007.43-06:616.34-007.272]:577.038
Language en
Format application/pdf
Publisher Клінічна та експериментальна патологія