Запис Детальніше

Особливості датської системи безпечності харчової продукції


Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Особливості датської системи безпечності харчової продукції
Особенности датской системы безопасности
пищевой продукции.
Danish features of food safety.
Creator Клаусен, E.
Klausen, E.
Subject Данія
система безпечності
харчова продукція
система безопасности
пищевая продукция
system safety
food production
based on risk-oriented approach with centralized control
Description Проаналізовано датську модель системи безпечності харчової
продукції. Розглянуто ключові елементи системи єдиного
контролюючого органу. Визначенодержавні органи, відповідальні за
харчову безпеку у Данії. Проаналізовано функції контролюючого органу.
Встановлено схему визначення групи ризику підприємства.
Проанализирована датская модель системы безопасности
пищевой продукции. Рассмотрены ключевые элементы системы единого
контролирующего органа. Определены государственные органы,
ответственные за пищевую безопасность в Дании. Проанализированы
функции контролирующего органа. Определена схема определения
группы риска предприятия.
One of the most effective models is the Danish system of food safety
Administration Veterinary and Food of Denmark (DVFA) - brought
together almost all functions in the area of food safety, including control of
products of animal origin.
The government agencies responsible for food safety in of Denmark
include the following structures: Department of Ministry of Food, Agriculture
and Fisheries, Office of Audit, Head Office Administration Veterinary and Food
of Denmark, meat inspection, Western regional administration, the Eastern
Regional management, the Secretariat of the complaints about the veterinary
and food.
The control activities DVFA decentralized and in two regional centers
and ten of their regional divisions - regional management of animal and food
products (RVFCA), which is important for the organization of a national policy
from top to bottom.
Official controls and inspections of food and animal of Denmark in
based on the principle of responsibility of companies and primary producers
for compliance with established rules and regulations. Companies and
manufacturers should be called self-control program of systematic action plans
aimed at compliance with the rules of the food and livestock.
The program is self-control should be based on the principles of the
system of HACCP. Applications self-individual companies must be approved
and registered by the authorities.
The registry of food business operators, there is a detailed list of
companies that produce animal products for export and for domestic
Administration Veterinary and Food of Denmark ensures that all food
vendors followed the law to the health and rights of consumers are protected,
and producers, informing about products, customers not likely to mislead.
During each visit, inspected a number of control zones. The enterprise as
a whole is estimated as areas belonging to the highest risk for a particular
Priority steps to ensure public health and economic prosperity of Ukraine
1. Reform the existing system of state control of food safety by creating
a single supervisory authority and rationalization of laboratory services.
2. The harmonization of national legislation on food safety with EU
standards and the use of horizontal approach when adopting relevant
legislation. Integrated component of the system must be the introduction to
food processing enterprises of self, based on the principles HACCR.
3. Development of a national program of training of inspectors for food
Date 2017-02-15T09:53:05Z
Type Other
Identifier Клаусен Е. Особливості датської системи безпечності харчової продукції / Е. Клаусен // Вісник аграрної науки Причорномор'я. - 2016. - Вип. 2 (89), Ч.1. - С. 144-154.
Language other
Format application/pdf
Publisher Миколаївський національний аграрний університет