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Funding model for port information system cyber security facilities with incomplete Hacker information available

Институционный репозиторий Киевского университета имени Бориса Гринченко

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Relation http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/24136/
Title Funding model for port information system cyber security facilities with incomplete Hacker information available
Creator Лахно, Валерій Анатолійович
Малюков, Володимир Петрович
Пархуць, Любомир Теодорович
Бурячок, Володимир Леонідович
Subject Scopus
Description Article describes the model developed for the module of port information system cyber security facilities
funding decision making support system. The model is based on multistage game theory toolkit. The
solution offered allows an opportunity for managers of information safety systems, particularly port
information systems and technologies, to carry out preliminary assessment of financial strategies for
development of effective cyber safety systems. The distinctive feature of the model is the assumption that
the defending party does not have full information on the financing strategies of the attacking party and on
the state of its financial resources used to break cyber security barriers of the port information system. The
solution employs mathematical apparatus of bilinear turn-based multistage quality game with several
terminal surfaces. A multiple-option simulation experiment was carried out to ensure validity of the model.
The results of the experiment will also be described herein. Thus, in the article at the first time, decision of the game was shown for all cases of the correlation of game parameters for the protection side of the port information system (PIS) and hackers seeking to overcome the boundaries of cybersecurity. The solution found in the article will be useful for the created decision support system, in particular, for the situation when the attacker uses a mixed financial strategy of hacking the information system.
Publisher Islamabad, Pakistan.
Date 2018-07-15
Type Стаття
Format text
Language uk
Identifier http://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/24136/7/V_Buriachok_JTAIT_2018_13_96_FITU.pdf
Лахно, Валерій Анатолійович та Малюков, Володимир Петрович та Пархуць, Любомир Теодорович та Бурячок, Володимир Леонідович та SATZHANOV, B. та TABYLOV, A. (2018) Funding model for port information system cyber security facilities with incomplete Hacker information available Journal of Theoretical and Applied Informtion Technology, Vol.96 (13). с. 4215-4225. ISSN 1992-8645