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. Fesenko G. The culture of state-building in Slovenia and Ukraine: the comparative analyses

Цифровой репозиторий Харьковской национальной академии городского хозяйства (ХНАГХ)

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Title . Fesenko G. The culture of state-building in Slovenia and Ukraine: the comparative analyses
Creator Фесенко, Г.Г.
Subject Публикации в других изданиях
Description The article provides historiosophical review of nation building processes in two post-Soviet states in 1990–2015. It is also
mentioned, that for deeper understanding of a nation’s phenomenon it is important to take into account the specificity of
mentality through correlation the ways of understanding independence/freedom in one’s personal space and a nation’s wellbeing. Comparative analysis of cultural-political phenomenon of
nation-building in Slovenia and Ukraine has been carried out. It
is mentioned, that a new form of social structure, namely nation
state, has appeared in both countries due to such social factor
as self-awareness of their own unique identity. Differences in
historical transformations of the two states according to the
level of social capital development have been described. Special
attention is given to the way “memory policy” functions within
contemporary space of the two post-Soviet countries. The level
of political culture maturity is evaluated from the viewpoint of
dominating in the society “mental disposition” to “homo soveticus” or “homo democraticus” way of life.
Date 2016
Type Статья
Format application/pdf
Identifier http://eprints.kname.edu.ua/50794/1/16_%D0%90%D0%9F%D0%A4%D0%A1%20%E2%84%96%209_2016.pdf
Фесенко, Г.Г. (2016) . Fesenko G. The culture of state-building in Slovenia and Ukraine: the comparative analyses. Актуальні проблеми філософії та соціології: наук.-практ. журн. (9). С. 136-139.
Relation http://eprints.kname.edu.ua/50794/