Запис Детальніше

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Електронний архів Житомирського державного технологічного університету

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title ?????????? ????????? ???????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????
Formation of accounting policy tourism companies
Creator ???, ??????? ???????????
Zhuk, V.M.
Subject ???????? ????????
??????????? ??????????????? ??????
?????????? ?????
accounting policy
organization of accounting
tourism sector
Description ?????????? ?????? ?????????? ????????? ????????, ?? ??????? ?????????? ?????????,
??????? ? ???????? ?????????????, ?????????? ?? ???????????? ?????? ?????????-
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In the article the process of formation of accounting policy, which includes a set of principles, methods and procedures for monitoring, grouping and summarizing financial and economic facts of the enterprise. The main factors that influence the formation of accounting policy. Found items accounting policy in respect of the main objects of tourism business accounting, information on which should give in position (order) the accounting policy.
Date 2016-03-22T08:20:56Z
Type Article
Identifier http://eztuir.ztu.edu.ua/123456789/2161
Language uk
Relation ?????? ????: ?????????? ?????;2(72)
Publisher ????