Запис Детальніше

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Електронний архів Житомирського державного технологічного університету

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title ???????????? ?????????? ?? ?????? ??????? ????????? ????? ??? ??????? ??????????? ?????????????? ?????????? ???????? ???? ??????? ???????
Information technology based on artificial neural networks for the analysis of two-dimensional non-stationary random processes process type cutting
Creator ????????????, ?.?.
??????, ?.?.
?????, ?.?.
Strutins?ky, S.V.
Gurzh?j, A.A.
Cusio, I.V.
Subject ??????????? ?????????? ??????
???? ???????
???????? ??????
?????? ?????????
two-dimensional random process
the projection of the cutting forces
neural network
distribution laws
Description ?????? ??????? ?????????????? ????????? ?????????, ????????? ???? ??????????
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Brief technical characteristics of the devices, the parameters describing the two-dimensional non-stationary random processes. This, in particular, the forces acting in the gear clutch and projection forces. The features of the two-dimensional non-stationary random process that determines efforts in gear. For this process the basic features of the developed information technology, the essence of which is to build a cluster model of two-dimensional random process. Information technology is used in the analysis of two-dimensional non-stationary random process obtained in the experimental measurements of cutting forces, which occurs when turning. Given the number of implementations of the projections of the cutting forces measured experimentally. The presence of high-frequency ripple power cuts. Developed a method of constructing a cluster model of the process. For this, apply artificial neural network in the form of maps, self-organizing. The centers of clusters are determined during training of the artificial neural network. Shown as are the centers of clusters for a single realization of the process. They occupy a certain area limited curvilinear path. In this area stand out in the field with increased concentration of the cluster centers. Generally, the layout area of the cluster centers experimentally for a specific set of realizations of the process. The average values of the modulus and argument of the vector of the corresponding set of cluster centers. This characteristic of a random process in the form of contours of equal probability of the corresponding individual center of the cluster. Defined the laws of distribution of the location of the cluster centers for the module and argument of the random vector.
According to the results of studies made conclusions about significant cluster group and recommended areas for further research consists in applying two-dimensional Fourier series to characterize the non-stationary two-dimensional random process.
Date 2016-03-23T13:19:26Z
Type Article
Identifier http://eztuir.ztu.edu.ua/123456789/2227
Language uk
Relation ?????? ????. ?????: ???????? ?????;3(70)
Publisher ????