Запис Детальніше

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Електронний архів Житомирського державного технологічного університету

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title ????????????? ??????????????? ?????? ? ??????? ?????? ?????????? ??'????
Improvement of accounting from the standpoint of the feedback law
Creator ???????, ?.?.
???????, ?.?.
Kivachuk, V.S.
Semeniyk, E.V.
Subject ?????????????? ?????
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????????? ??'????
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the principle of secrecy in business
creative destruction
innovation theory of entrepreneurship
Description ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????????? ? ?????????? ???????????? ??????? ???????? ? ????????? ?????????? ? ???????, ?????????? ???????? ?????????? ? ???????????? ???????????? ?????? ??????????? ???'???? ??????????????? ?????????? ? ???????? ?????????. ???????? ????????? ???????? ??? ??, ?? ?????????????? ????? ? ???????? ?????? ??????????? ????? ?? ???????????? ??????????? ?????????????? ??????? ? ?????'????? ?? ??? ???? ? ???? ???? ???????????? ??? ?????????? ?????????????????????? ? ?????????? ?????????.
The article reveals the main motives of a businessman in the process of forming intangible assets stemming from the principles of secrecy in business, personal interest; as well as it proves the impossibility of complete openness of a business entity in present day market economy. The article concludes that accounting aims at movement of intangible assets and liabilities along the time axis, and can be used for competitiveness and financial stability managing.
Date 2016-04-05T06:46:37Z
Type Article
Identifier http://eztuir.ztu.edu.ua/123456789/2516
Language uk
Relation ?????? ????. ?????: ?????????? ?????;1(63)
Publisher ????