Запис Детальніше

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Електронний архів Житомирського державного технологічного університету

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title ????????????? ?????????????-??????????? ???????????? ????????? ???????? ???????? ??????????
Improved oforganization and methods of joint control joint activities
Creator ???????, ?.?.
Kuryshko, L.?.
Subject ???????? ????????
??????? ??????????
joint control
joint activities
Description ???????????? ??????????? ??????????? ????????? ???????? ???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? ???? ????????. ?????????? ?????????? ???????? ????????? ????????, ??? ?????????? ???????????? ?????????? ??????? ??????????????? ?? ?????????? ????????.
The features of the joint control of joint activities in accordance with the term sof the contract. A comprehensive joint control technique hat in volves the use of a combination of methods of document aryandactual control.
Date 2016-04-14T07:42:45Z
Type Article
Identifier http://eztuir.ztu.edu.ua/123456789/2807
Language uk
Relation ???????? ?????? ?? ??????????? ??????????????? ??????, ???????? ? ???????: ??????. ??????? ???????? ?????;???.1(28)
Publisher ????